How long did your stalls last?

on 2/24/12 10:48 am - Canada
I seem to be in a stall.  I got off my exercise routine when I had my gall bladder out and started back last night, so hopefully that helps.  I'm not too worried about it since I feel pretty secure that I will start to lose again and the 58 lbs I've lost have made a huge difference in my daily life and my mental state.  I'm just curious.

Now the handfuls of hair I pull out every day DO freak me out

on 2/24/12 10:59 am
I have been down 62 pds since before Christmas and have stayed the same. I am somewhat frustrated but I am not doing much exercise - I really need to step it up! I'm hoping this will get things moving again. My surgeon does not seem too concerned but did say that exercise should help with my last 38 pds. Good luck! Sherri
June 14, 2011 - Surgery date                
on 2/25/12 12:43 am - Canada
Thanks Sherri! You too.
Manda M.
on 2/24/12 12:21 pm
3 weeks in January and I wanted to cry!! But the scale is starting to move down again!  -- My thoughts and experience so far post RNY!!
on 2/25/12 12:46 am - Canada
Ok, I can do 3 weeks.  That wouldn't hurt too bad.  Thanks!
Gwen Boldick
on 2/24/12 10:00 pm - Canada
 i was on a stall for two months.....than it finally started to move again and now on another does get frustrating tho....but it didnt take over night to again the weight it aint going to come off  over night patient it will happen.....
on 2/25/12 12:48 am - Canada
Oh my!  I would not do well with a 2 month stall then another.  Crossing fingers for me and you!
Karen W.
on 2/24/12 10:35 pm - Canada
I had a period where I had no loss for 3 weeks, then lost 1 lb, gained 1 lb, then another 3 week stall, down 1, up one, then very gradual loss started again. So pretty well 10 weeks.  Very frustrating, but part of the process.  Hang in there, you're still very early out and your body is probably hanging on a bit (to food and liquids) due to your recent surgery.  The loss will start again.
   RNY April 11, 2011       
on 2/25/12 12:51 am - Canada
That sounds extremely frustrating!  I think that after so many years of dieting, I'm still scared that it will stop and not start up again.   The 58 lbs is great, but I'm not even halfway and I really don't want to get stuck here.  As long as I know it will go eventually, I'll be ok.  I'm going for a power walk today for sure!
on 2/24/12 10:46 pm - Ottawa, Canada
I had a 4 week stall in January, which was only 3 months out, at 120lbs.

Finally switched up to a liquid diet for a day and a half and that seemed to be the change that my body needed to kick back into losing weight. 
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