Iron Infusion on Monday

on 2/24/12 4:10 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
My doctor is sending me for an infusion Monday.  He gave me the option to have it all done in one shot, which has a great risk for adverse reactions, or to do it over the course of several weeks.  Because it is done through IV and because I have a huge aversion to IVs and find them extremely painful and difficult to cope with, I chose to have it all done in one shot on Monday.  He wanted it to be next week because he is on call at the hospital and will be there should I have any type of reaction. 

I'm scared first because of the IV and second because of the risk of reaction.  I know there are others who have had this done.  How was it?

I'm a little excited that perhaps after the infusion I may get some of my energy back and I'm hoping I will feel better overall...but I'm a little worried that it won't make a difference in the end.  Again, if you've had this done did you find that it did make a difference in your energy and just how you feel in general?

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on 2/24/12 4:36 am - St Thomas, Canada
I've had a couple of infusions a month apart. I didn't find the whole process to be too bad at all. Yes it is an IV, but they run the iron in fairly slowly. They monitor you the whole time you are there. I took my coffee, a book to read and my mini netbook to play around on as I was there for 3-4 hours each time.
The first infusion brought my hemoglobin levels back into normal range and the second one brought up my Ferritin levels. Now I do regular blood work and take Proferrin daily. If my levels start to tank again I will go back for another infusion. My Hematologist thinks I may need an infusion every few months to keep my levels within normal range.
The infusions did help my energy levels and being cold all the time. They also got rid of my urge to eat ice.

I also had an Endometrial Ablation to stop my periods as I was bleeding excessively and a full GI workup to rule out the risk of any bleeding in my GI track that could have contibuted to my anemia.


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on 2/24/12 5:35 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
Thank you.  I'm not so worried about once they get the IV in, but I find them extremely, extremely painful to have put in and get set up and I end up usually yelling and swearing which makes the nurse not happy.  I may bring hubby along for that part and then he can leave afterwards perhaps.

My hemoglobin has been low.  He didn't tell me today what it was exactly but it was in the 9s somewhere.  My ferritin level was 5.

I do feel cold all the time and I do want to eat ice, but then I feel colder so it is a dilemma!  LOL.  He told me that the infusion would get my levels up to normal and never said anything about having them done regularly.  I go back for blood work and a follow up appt at the end of March.

I did see an OBGYN about my periods.  He put me on the pill.  I was only on it for about 2 weeks and hated how it made me feel so I went off of it.  He didn't mention ablation because from what I understand it wouldn't help me.  The only other options he gave me were Mirena or hysterectomy.  I really don't want the hormones that I may get from the Mirena because it seems as my body is so completely hormone driven so I'm actually contemplating hysterectomy.

Thank you for the information!
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on 2/24/12 6:13 am - St Thomas, Canada
I had the Mirena first and it was great for the first few years. Only minor spotting each month.
When my bleeding issues returned I had the ablation. It took a couple of months but I barely even have what I would call spotting for 2-3 days per month. It is the best thing I could have done for the bleeding issues.
Go to the Pharmacy and ask for some Emla cream. Put it on the top of both of your hands about an hour before your IV will be placed. Emla is a topical anesthetic so it will numb the skin and decrease the sensation of pain. They use this for kids all the time. They also use this before skin procedures like Dermal Fillers to reduce the pain.


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on 2/24/12 7:01 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
Ya, I knew about Emla and considered getting some but I didn't know where they'd end up starting the IV.  Most times I know they do it in the hand to start and move up as they fail but there have been the odd times that i've had them start it in my forearm.  I wonder if I can just cover my arm from elbow to fingertips in Emla!  LOL  I may go and get some this weekend.  At least if they do use my hands it will be covered and if they don't, I won't be any worse off than I was to start with.
Glitter Text Generator
on 2/24/12 10:00 am - Canada
Low iron makes you crave ice?
Adelle B.
on 2/24/12 10:15 am, edited 2/24/12 10:15 am - Petawawa, Canada
RNY on 02/08/12
I am currently battling low hemoglobin and trying to take iron supplements. I have tried 2 different ones but I get very stomach sick on them. I had a complication with some bowel bleeding which sorted itself out after a week post-op but have not bounced back from it.

I have been so super tired all the time and doze off very easy. Cold does not begin to describe how I have been. the only warmth I felt in the last couple of days was sitting by the swimming pool watching my daughter tonight. normally I have to drink water while I am there cause it is so hot.
I was told that if my levels did not go up by my 6 week appt to expect the next step, infusion.
glad to see this discussion:)
DS Facts
on 2/25/12 2:13 am
I had a very bad IV experience when I was a child and ever since then I have been very scared of them so I understand your fear.

I had a series of 6 infusions last year, they all took about 1 1/2 hours. At my hospital they will give you something for anxiety if you need it. I actually did ok without it. I slept during them or listened to music. It wasn't bad at all. And I felt a lot better afterwards, my energy was greatly increased.

All the best.
on 2/26/12 12:07 pm - Ottawa, Canada
Good luck.

I have had two infusions a month apart from each other.

The first one was in the elbow area on one side.  The second one was in the area between the elbow and wrist on the other arm.

After the treatment, my energy level was boosted up quite a bit.  I did blood work every 3 months for the first year and now at six months for blood work.

Once the IV is in I would read or chatted with the other patients.

I had informed the nurse prior to the IV going in that I do not always do well with the needle, she said OK and started to talk to me so I was not aware when she "poked".

Therefore let the nurse know prior that you do not do well so she is aware.

Take care.

 Listed below are the upcoming Coffee nights at Starbucks (Hunt Club and Merivale Rd) starting at 7:00 pm.



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