Opposite of stricture

Linda C.
on 12/11/11 9:25 am
Is there such a thing as the opposite of stricture... where you don't get that pouch full feeling because food passes too quickly through your pouch?  I can understand that happening with slider foods, but with dense protein or bulky foods, can they also pass through your pouch too quickly?

I find I have to be very careful with portion sizes, because my pouch seems to allow any type of food (even apple peel), and I rarely get the "full" feeling.   As an example (certainly not the best food choice because of the sodium content), I can easily eat 4 dill pickles, and not feel full, whereas my daughter (who also had the surgery) finds it a real challenge to eat one.

Anyone else with a very liberal pouch, and is there anything you can do keep food in your pouch longer?

Linda C.
on 12/11/11 9:29 am - Harriston, Canada
I also have to be very careful.  I have never had trouble getting everything Im allowed in and very rarely do I get the full feeling either.  I have felt sick twice either from over eating or perhaps eatting too fast but the remainder of the time its more because of measuring and being careful then my body stopping me.
Lorraine M.
on 12/11/11 9:45 am - Canada
Hi Linda,

4 Dill pickles would not be a problem for me either. I rarely feel full even after eating more than I should be able to. At my 5 week surgeon appointment I asked the doc if he made my pouch bigger or why was I not feeling full? He said that the fullness would come in a few months as the nerves had to heal and that everyone gets the same size pouch (about the size of my thumb he said). I occasionally feel sick if I eat too fast or the food is too dense but I can tolerate just about anything. I stay away from gluten products as the dietician said they swell in the pouch and yup they do and make me feel sick. My weight loss has been slow but I expected that as I have mobility issues and can't get in enough exercise.

I am trying to have a protein shake in the evening and keep my water up as that seems to help feeling full but other than that I don't have any suggestions. Oh I just remembered that P28 protein bread made me feel full with one slice toasted but it wasn't a nice full so I am not eating it any more.

If you figure it out please let me know.


(deactivated member)
on 12/11/11 10:25 am - Canada
I rarely feel full too. Early out I did but now the feeling is rare. The only thing that makes me feel full is chicken breast. I think it's because it's VERY dense. I don't mind though. I find that I really hate that feeling. I measure everything and I find that it works because I feel satisfied and comfortable. That full feeling makes me feel sick.
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