Struggling with Food

on 11/11/11 9:33 am - Canada
I haven't posted in a while, and I guess I'd have to say it's because I feel like I'm failing and any other time I've posted, things were going quite well, and I guess I'm feeling kind of ashamed.

None of us wants to be the 'one' who fails, and I think we all fear it could be me...I'm really struggling and I'm terrified that I am certain the be the one.

I had my surgery March 31 and until about 2 months ago, everything has been text book.  I'm down 103 lbs...feeling terrific and loving my new life.  I've mostly followed the rules of the new way of eating and I'm exercising some...not lots...not really enough.

Here's the trouble...I can eat anything I want...a few things are tougher than others but really my pouch will handle anything...and I have been in non stop eat mode for weeks...and it's escalating...just like in all the years past with dieting.  The quantity is less, but I see it increasing.  I'm scared and I don't know what to do.  the obvious thing is of course-STOP but everyday I set out to be back in control and follow my plan, but everyday by mid day it's a train wreck.

I am scared...should I consider the 5 day pouch test??  Or, a week of just protein shakes (sort of like an optifast program)

I still have 60 lbs to lose.
Any help would be appreciated...especially if you've been in this same did you get back to shore??

Thanks in advance,
on 11/11/11 10:05 am
Hi Dawn, I'm a rookie so don't know how hard it will be yet... but I think a visit to your clinic dietician & social worker/behaviourist might be in order.  They will help you get on track.  Plus, try to find your trigger that sets you off around mid-day.  Are you under prepared?  Or, is it stress related?  You can get back on track!!  Get some help, don't be ashamed, that can only make it worse.  We're all human, so admit your mistake & then get help fixing it!  We're rooting for you.
on 11/11/11 10:11 am - Canada
 Don't know if it will help but I grab a sugar-free popcicle when I am hungry.  It helps me. good luck don't give up.
on 11/11/11 10:37 am
Have you gotten away from protein dense foods that keep you fuller, longer? Are you getting enough fluids? Sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger. Are you logging all your foods? How many grams of protein and carbs are you getting each day?

Answering these questions should help sort out what you need to do.
Marny B.
on 11/11/11 11:44 am - Canada
Hi Dawn.  On December 9th, I will be a year out.  I totally understand what you are going through.  In the past several weeks, I really feel like my pouch has changed and like I am able to eat much more than before.  I think this is normal from what I have heard from vets, but combined with the fact that I too can eat whatever I want, it has been a difficult road as of late (especially with the big blue shopping bag of my children's Halloween candy that is forever taunting me from the kitchen!!)

I can only speak for myself, but as I get farther out from surgery, this whole thing feels more like dieting than it did in the begining.  The hard part has arrived.  I have lost 149 pounds and am sitting at about 181 (I seem to float up and down a pound or two).  I run atleast 3 times a week for anywhere from 5-10 km at a time, so I consider myself very active, however,  the eating part has always been my problem and still is.  I think it is high time for myself to seek some help from a therapist to finally work on the emotional side of my eating problem.  My SW at the clinic recomended a group of therapists at a website called who deal specifically with eating, body image and post WLS issues.  I think they have offices around the GTA.  I know they have one near me in Mississauga.  Even if they don't have an office in your area, they might be able to provide the name of a specialist in your hometown who can help. 

I think this is the only way you will win this battle.  If sheer will power worked, you and I probably would have not had to have WLS in the first place.  I think it is time to understand how to curb the impulse to eat.  Right now I am suffering from viral asthma and I can't run until it clears up, but boy do I miss it.  It kept me busy 4 evenings a week (evenings are when I REALLY struggle).  Try to find something- anything to keep you busy so that you aren't filling your time with food.  Plan your lunch and snacks the night before if you don;t already do so, and I myself try not to keep cash in my wallet.  Cash= and excuse for me to venture away from my desk and get something more appealing than what I have packed in my lunch.  :) 

Anyhoo....good luck with your paddling.  I am sure you will get back to shore soon.

Referral Sent:  March 19, 2010
Surgery date with Dr. Denis Hong: December 9, 2010


on 11/11/11 10:46 pm
HI Dawn - This is what I have done to get back on track - use what's helpful.

write everything down again all water, vitamins food etc.
get all the food you don't want to eat out of your house - even if it's the kids halloween candy - I know harsh but important 
plan your meals - put the food you want to eat in a "lunch bag"  when it's done - stop eating for the day
figure out when you are getting off track and fill that time with other activities that can't involve eating - (I swim, or knit, read or go shopping at value village)  The more things you have to choose from the easier it will be
It's not all or nothing attitude.  I don't punish myself if I eat something I shouldn't.  This is life - I'm going to eat sweets sometimes - I just make sure that most of my meals are good quality.  It's ok to have a "treat" once in a while.  Even skinny people live that way.

Talk to your clinic - talk to the social worker, your family - get as much help as you possibly can.  Sometimes just talking about a problem helps you move forward.

At the end of the day - focus on all of your success - you have lost a lot of weight already - a little bump on the road is just that - a little bump - you have good solid evidence that you can do this!

Hope this is helpful - sending positive success vibes your way!
on 11/12/11 2:24 am - Canada
Hi Dawn,

I posted almost the same thing as you a little while ago. I will be 3 years out on March 30. I felt like I was failing and that this surgery would have been a huge waste. I started going back to a weight managment clinic once a week and meeting with a Nutritionist and followed by a Weight Managment Dr. One thing I found really helpful was to plan meals ahead of time and be organized. I find I eat quite poorly when my fridge is bare and I have to rely on eating out or convenience food. I make my lunch for work the night before and plan out my meals and snacks. I track EVERYTHING I put in my mouth weather it be a piece of chicken or just a grape. I like to use I like how it adds up my protien for me as well as Sugar, carbs and fat. I must admit that I do not work out like I should and I kick myself for that but I will get there. I strongly feel that you need support to get through this. I also was told by some people on here to check out the "What are you eating/doing" thread on here, it gave me a great idea of what I could eat. There are great options out there and tonnes of support on here as well as on your community Im sure. I have gotten myself back on track and it feels great. I know you can do it too. Posting on here was a great reach out for help :)

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