
on 7/12/11 3:37 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
I read an article over the weekend about a woman who weighs 600 lbs.  She was actively trying to gain weight so that she could reach over 1600 lbs and beat the world record of the world's heaviest woman.  The article says that this woman eats over 12000 calories per day.  She is also a mom to a young child.  She has recently given up on her goal and now wants Guiness to create a new category for her and name her as the World's Most Massive Mom.

This article really angered me....maybe it shouldn't have, but it did.  I'm partly angered because of all the people who are struggling to lose weight and get their health under control.  But then I realize that everyone has the right to make choices for themselves and who am I to judge which weight she chooses to be.  Being 600 lbs or more would not be my choice, hence the WLS, but if that's what she wants to do with her life then I guess she will have to deal with the outcome...good or bad.  I don't understand it.  And then I feel sad because maybe she has totally given up and so since she is already so much overweight, she is going to allow herself to think that is actually what she wants.  But again, I am putting my own feelings into this and maybe that isn't it at all.

The other thing that angers me though is that she has a young child.  So this woman who is already morbidly obese and may or may not have current health problems, is / was choosing to gain weight (or at least stay where she is currently) just to get her name in a book without giving thought to the fact that she may die early leaving her child motherless.  That seems so selfish to me.

I apologize if I offend anyone...I don't mean for my opinions on this story to be offensive - they are only my opinions of course.  But I guess I'm slightly confused by this whole thing after reading from so many people who are desperately trying to lose weight and gain health.

Here is a link to the story:

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(deactivated member)
on 7/12/11 3:47 am - Canada

I first heard about this woman several years ago.  It bothers me that she wants to gain so much weight but not because of what she's doing but because she has a small child who she gets to help her in her quest.  This poor little girl has to help her do anything and everything and it's not fair to her - she shouldnt spend her childhood helping her mother gain weight. 


Megan M.
on 7/12/11 11:01 am - Canada
It's sad.  This woman needs an intervention to make her realize that her child deserves to have her mother around.  It's one thing to die in a car accident or whatever, but it's another thing to slowly klll yourself with the twisted lifestyle she's choosing.  Poor little child deserves so much better.  Foolish woman.
on 7/12/11 1:39 pm - Thunder Bay, Canada
I did a search on her after writing this and saw her appearance on the Tyra Banks show.  Now I'm just angry again.  This woman just kept saying how she just doesn't like to move.  She wants to be 1000 lbs.  That's her goal.  And when Tyra asked why, she just said she likes to just sit and watch tv, she doesn't like to move, doesn't like to have to get up and get around, she just likes the way it feels to just sit there and not move.  She would be okay to be so heavy that she is bed bound.  She has to take a break to walk 40 ft to the mailbox and back and that's okay with her because she'd rather not have to walk at all.  She needs someone to help her shower.  And her job?  She accepts requests from people online, and then video tapes herself fulfilling to requests and she gets paid for it.  The examples she showed on the show were requests to have her wear a dog collar, to funnel chocolate milk and to wear lingerie...and she did all of it.  Because she didn't know exactly how much she weighed, Tyra brought in a scale and it came up at 513 lbs and this woman got very sad.  She said that number is too low and that they should have done the weight at the end of the show so that it didn't depress her during the show.  At the time this show was taped, her daughter was 18 months old.  How can this woman keep up with an 18 month old...keep her safe and happy and healthy when she can't walk 40 ft to a mailbox?  It makes me angry that she takes her life and her health for granted.  But then again, she has the right to make these choices for herself just like someone chooses to smoke or to do drugs or drink excessively or any other unhealthy behaviour.  I just feel really sorry for her daughter.
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