Tempeh soybean cake - have any of you tried it?

on 4/8/11 9:09 pm, edited 4/8/11 9:58 pm - Canada

Hi everyone - I was at an Indonesian restaurant and tried tempe for the first time and really liked it. I was told it is in the same family as tofu but even better for you. I really liked the taste of it as well as the texture of the way it was prepared (sort of flattish pieces that had a nuttyish texture) - this was likely fried, but it was very good. I googled it and the nutritional protein content is very high (carbs too, but that is okay as it is good carbs).

Have any of you tried it? I would love to learn how to make it? Anyone have a recipe? I quickly googled but did not find a recipe?

Have a great day!


quick edit: did not mean cake in the true sense :)

on 4/9/11 1:38 am - Hamilton, Canada
I used to eat tempeh years ago.  I was just looking at it the other day in Health Food Grocer and thought about buying it, I should pick some up and google around for some recipes.  :)
Yasmeen  (aka thread killer!)  

5'6.5" - HW 239.4 / SW 226.8 (Feb 5, 2010) / GW 120 (Jan 6, 2011) / LW 116.8 

on 4/9/11 4:10 am - Canada
Hi Yasmeen - I had never heard of it before but just loved it! If you find some good (and hopefully easy!) recipes, please send me them!

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