Staring my weight loss surgery journey

on 11/29/11 9:32 am - Gardnerville, NV
After being overweight for several years I have now decided at age 26 to start my journey into weight loss surgery. I have 2 children who are my world but I want to be more motivated to play with and give them the attention the deserve, I want to take them Disneyland and local fairs and not worry about if I can fit on the rides. And I have loving husband who is supportive of my decision and I couldn't do it without him!
At age 26 I am currently at 304lbs, when I got pregnant with my first child I weighed 275 and was consider weight loss surgery...but didn't do to getting pregnant. I had pre-clampsia which escalated to eclampsia when I had a seizure giving birth, I almost died...and one of the common reasons for getting pre-clampsia while pregnant is obesity. I had my son recovered and got pregnant again, again I had preclampsia but was  much better controlled. Now my son is 2 1/2 and my daughter 17 months and I want to be healthy!
I recently just got medicaid and am starting the process of getting all my Dr. records and have been working with Western Bariatric Institute in Reno and they have been more than helpful. I am going to the seminar on Dec 14 and I can't wait and hopefully by then I have all my Dr. records. They don't think it will be an issue of me getting approved as long as I have documented weight in the records and that I have discussed weight with my previous Dr.s I hope and I pray that the approval process will go smoothly but I know that is not always the case. I am already starting to loose the 10% of total body fat in order to have the surgery done!
Any words of advice of comments of support would be greatly appreciated!!!
on 12/1/11 12:33 pm - Las Vegas, NV
Best of luck to you!   I had mine done about 6 months ago and am loving it lost over 100lbs in that time!!  I am off all meds and am feeling great.

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