Has this happened to you???

Annette L.
on 1/11/06 4:07 am - Farmington Hills , MI
I have energy! Maybe too much energy. Its starting to get on my nerves. I can't be still ~ I'm always moving. Of course this is much better than just sitting there not moving at all, But I can't seem to keep focused. I have actually had people ask me if I was on something! I'm not, it's all natural, but it seems when I get like this I talk nonstop-not really focusing on what I'm saying and I'm about bouncing off the wall's. I try to walk it off but that doesn't always work. I have gone from sleeping 14 to 16 hours a day to sleeping for 5 hours a night. Any suggestions? How did you channel your new found energy? Please help. God bless you all, Annette
on 1/11/06 4:30 am - St. clair Shores, MI
Only one word is needed.....EXERCISE Carol
Annette L.
on 1/11/06 6:16 am - Farmington Hills , MI
Thank you Carol, I went out and jumped on the trampoline for a little bit, then walked for 45 min. I use it up but after about 10 or 15 min. it comes right back just as strong. God bless you, Annette
on 1/11/06 4:36 am - Kalamazoo Area, MI
I'll email you my address, you can come help paint, clean, organize.. lol Guess this is why they call it a ride! I haven't found my energy yet. Sheryl In the Zoo
Annette L.
on 1/11/06 6:20 am - Farmington Hills , MI
Hey Sheryl, Mail away! You will find your energy. Right now I'm calling the patent office. There has to be a way to bottle this stuff God bless you, Annette
on 1/11/06 4:59 am - Hazel Park, MI
Annette, The energy level does level out but exercise is the best way to burn that energy... or redecorate your house... after my surgery I redecorate 5 rooms in my house before I went back to work...lol I still have more energy then most people and look out on the days I take my b-12 shot my children try not to be in the house or even answer their cell phones because they know I'm going to clean the house I mean deep clean. You will find ways to burn the energy so you can sleep I still only sleep about 5 hours a night and I'm just over a year out. Good Luck, Renee
Annette L.
on 1/11/06 6:28 am - Farmington Hills , MI
Hi Renee, Actually we are getting ready to remodel a few rooms that may help. The more exercise I get the more energy I get. Go figure. God bless you, Annette
(deactivated member)
on 1/11/06 5:26 am - Oak park, MI
My energy level never leveled off. That is where my exercise obsession comes in. It would calm me down a little so I could sleep at the end of the day. I have become extremely high strung over the last couple of years. I do not think it is abnormal, but it may be abnormal for someone who once had no energy. I think I just have normal person energy now. I would embrace it and use it to your advantage. Terri
Annette L.
on 1/11/06 6:36 am - Farmington Hills , MI
Hi Teri, How are you? The exercise settles me down for about 10 to 15 min., then it comes back just as strong. I would embrace it, but it seem's to effect my head. I talk so much and often during the bursts of energy I don't stop to think about what I'm saying~I don't like that. It's kind of like my brain is moving at hyperspeed and I can't catch up to it. Thank you for the insight. Take care, Annette
S W.
on 1/11/06 6:15 am - MI
Hmm...sounds like me now. I hit the treadmill, the elliptical trainer, anything that I can move on. And, to make it more fun, I put on my MP3 player with my favorite tunes and just goooooooooooooooooooo...... I have a sit down job, I am in class 3 days a week and that is enough sitting for me. I also find that if I take off to the grocery store (the big one) with a limited # of $$ bills, (so I won't spend) I push a cart around and just walk around. It's fun and NO ONE KNOWS what you are doing!!!!! Channel that energy into cleaning out your closets too! I did mine and there is SO MUCH ROOM WHEN YOU ONLY HAVE A FEW OUTFITS!!! You'll be fine, just follow this big advice: TAKE IT ONE DAY AT A TIME!!! All my best!! Stacey
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