2 months from TODAY!!!

on 5/15/03 4:17 pm - Tx
I was just sitting her reading all the posts and it HIT me, two months from today I start my "new" life. The life to a thinner and healthier me!!! This is the first year that I can remember that I want time to fly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want it to be 6 months from now. Anyone else ever feel that way?
on 5/16/03 5:51 am - Mapleton, Me
Theresa, you are almost there!! I am just at the very beginning of my journey. I will attend my first support group meeting and pre op education class in Bangor the third week in June. I may have talked to some or all of you in the chatroom, Lynda, I know I talked to you this morning!! I live way up north, in Presque Isle, Me, and just love being able to communicate with others and better yet in MAINE!! http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/profile.phtml?N=S1053095831 Take Care all!!
(deactivated member)
on 5/16/03 10:04 am - Fort Myers, FL
Theresa- I definitely have felt the same way. I don't know how quickly months 3-6 will pass, but the next two flew by for me. Take care Lynda
on 5/16/03 10:44 am - Biddeford, Me
Hi Theresa, I am pre-op, hopefully at the end of that part of my journey. Only thing holding me up right now is a letter from the Psych saying I'm all set to go. It has been two weeks since I've seen him and he said he would get that letter right out. So........ the wait continues. Once the Drs office gets that letter, they can submit to insurance, and then I'm off and running. Do I am asking for as many prayers and thoughts right now as I can get. All I can offer in return is my prayers for you as well. I know this waiting is better some days then others. I try to be patient as I know the weight didnt come on all at once, so I shouldn't expect this to happen over night. But I'm a female and we want everything done yesterday LOL. Keep your chin up! and my thoughts and prayers will be with you. Hugz....Pammie
Brooke B.
on 5/23/03 1:57 pm - Waterville, Me
Hi Theresa, I was in your place 6 months ago. Since then, my WLS went wonderfully and I am now 84lbs lighter then I was 5 months ago. Time has flown at times and then it has dragged by some times also. Enjoy the little things in life both before and after wls. Make a list of things you want to accomplish in the first 5 months after wls. ie: cross your legs, tie your shoes without stop breathing, hook an 18inch gold chain around your neck. These little things will happen and it will amaze you everytime you cross a small milestone in your life. Good luck with your surgery
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