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on 9/28/12 1:59 am
Hi All,

I thought that I had it all figured out but now I am confused! I was all set to have my surgery in November with Dr. Ponce de Leon and Trish but I have recently met someone who went through Weight Loss Forever with Dr. Pompa, arranged out of Saskatoon.

My confusion - it appears there is a difference with the after-home care. With Weight Loss Forever they assign you a Canadian coordinator who is with you in Mexico and then who calls and follows up with the patient daily, weekly etc.  What follow-up is done with Trish and Dr. Ponce de Leon?

Please reply if you have used either Dr. Ponce or Dr. Pompa. I live far from Winnipeg and I am very interested in the after-home care.


on 9/28/12 2:55 am - Selkirk, Canada
DS on 06/14/12

Trish lets you join her web site and you have her cell number as well as home numbers and she will assist you anyway she can.  She answers your questions etc.  I didn't have Trish as a coordinator but she helps me when I need it.  I don't see a reason for the coordinator to call you daily or weekly.  Really the only after care you need is your lab work done every three months, keep up your vitamin regiment, and your family physician should be aware of the surgery and your needs.  You should also have a dietician or nutritionist.  Maybe some of the other girls can tell you more, as I was not really one of her clients.  Barb

Dr. Jamie Ponce de Leon - Medical guide Laurie Wolf Received money Never showed up - Only thing booked were flights.  Surgeon and Medical team, and hospital were awesome .  There is another Medical guide named Trish she is good.  PM me for info.    
on 9/28/12 4:32 am - Canada
VSG on 04/03/12
I went with Dr Ponce and Trish. I didn't like what I read about Dr Pompa or Dr Almanza ( not to be confused with Alverez who is good. ) I read about too many complications with Dr Pompa, odd shaped sleeves like hour glasses and stuff which make it harder to lose weight, using mesh .

I felt comfortable with Dr Ponce, Dr Aceves, Dr Alverez, Dr Joya. Those were who I ended up narrowing it down to.There were a couple more I was ok with as well, but those were my top 4. 

Trish will follow up via email, phone and fb - I chat with her probably monthly or so online. I haven't really run into any issues. My family dr does my blood work and any perscriptions I need ( like a acid reducer) but basically other then blood work- I have no reason to see the dr about my sleeve. 


HW 295 lbs,CW 195, nuts goal-210, my goal 175 surgery date April 3 in Tijuana with Dr Ponce De Leon      

on 9/28/12 8:39 am - Canada
VSG on 05/21/12
 Weight loss forever charges almost double, and a coordinator will not be able to facilitate after care you need to do that through your dr. Trish contacted me frequently after my surgery and is from Mexico and familiar with Tijuana and will make sure you are safe there.  I am not sure what advantage it would be to have a coordinator who is not a medical professional contact you or a stranger to go with you.  I would rather spend the money on a plane ticket for a friend than have a stranger with me   
Referal weight 265, surgery date weight 243, ticker is all post op loss so add 22 to ticker loss




on 9/28/12 9:34 pm
I totally agree with what these wonderful ladies have already said..please, please read what you can about Dr.Pompa, Im sure glad I did. There is hardly any after care that you would need to see a doctor for ( unless you have some kind off complication which is unknown before you have surgery). My doctor was more than willing to assist me with whatever I needed after the surgery and that was basically an acid reducer as well. And I definitely second Justmest in saying I would much rather have a friend/family member a are coming out of surgery and really need to be comfortable with that person helping you with the basics. Trish takes care of everything and then some and you will have the best care available.
Good luck with your decision.

Referred Dec/2011
Acceptance letter Jan 24/12
7.5 months - 70 pounds!!!

on 10/1/12 5:56 am
Thank you Barb, rainyone, justmest and Madelaine 2000

I spent a fair bit of time this past weekend searching the web and thanks to your advise, I have decided to continue my journey with Dr. Ponce de Leon and Trish. The after care that I was referring to is the "Head" stuff but I think just continuing with these post will be the most helpful. Someday I hope to be able to attend a meet and greet in order to put faces to your words.

Thanks again,

on 10/1/12 10:09 am
Good for you..and you know, we all had such a great experience with that team we want others to benefit like we did. Im sure there are alo of great doctors and hospitals, and you have to do your research (I cant count how many hours I soent on here reading EVERYTHING I could fine)but I found I was comforted by others who went before me and shared their experience.That counts for alot in my books.

As for the head stuff, Im pretty sure we all still have it or have worked through some of it and are learning how to deal with it. Reading on here how others handle situations really makes me stop and think and its really a day by day journey. Even if in my head I say I just want to pig out (which I honestly dont now, but did at one time) my physical body will not allow that  so Im forced to change my thinking. For me, I need that and its working! Your thinking will start to change when you realize that parts of your old life and forever gone and you have to come up with new ways. Im loving that part because alot of my old thinking is what got me fat in the first place.

Anyway, enough rambling but please ask us any questions you have about Dr. Ponce and Trish..we would love to be able to assure you .

Referred Dec/2011
Acceptance letter Jan 24/12
7.5 months - 70 pounds!!!

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