Enjoying the Blogs

on 7/9/12 7:34 am
First - A Big Thank you to Michelle, Sondra, Diane, Alle, and Tanya for the great replies to my last post, I am feeling better about the fact that maybe I can do this! The journey down in weight sounds "too good to be true" but exciting, I would love to be able to shop at other stores than Pennington's, or take a bath, or sit without compression socks, or not being hot all the time (except in lingerie)!

I bought the weight loss surgery workbook and it is very helpful and I will order the Dummies Guide...
More reading, more thinking and hopefully I will fill out the forms from Trish.

Has anyone here had the Duodenal Switch done? Or considered it and changed your mind?

Is there a Meet & Greet in Wpg on the 25th of July?

Keep Well,
Begins Today
(deactivated member)
on 7/9/12 8:58 am
awe thanks,the DS is not as popular here as the rny or sleeve.
and yes we are trying to have a m&g/clothing swap on the 25th.someone will post more once we get the details ironed out
on 7/9/12 11:06 am
VSG on 10/16/12
You are definitely on the right track, just be persistent - look at all the people who have been successful, they are everyday people like you, and they've done it and so can you - and me (someday)  I'm pretty sure I've been on the waiting list now for about 9 years.......sigh ... lol.  I know I am going to be done this fall, I just know it! (even if I have to do it myself with a butter knife, screwdriver and a straw)

Actually, I've been meaning to ask if Laura's office is at the same place as the Bariatric clinic?  I am going to call Andrea tomorrow anyway b/c I want to ask her about who a person could talk to about getting a meeting (or conference) room at either the Vic or at St. B. for free so we can have our M & G.somewhere where there are lots of tables and chairs (without arms lol) or has anyone had this conversation with her?  I don't want to harrass her if I don't have to ...... I'm at her mercy for a surgery date still.........

speaking of surgery dates.... Has anyone called Oct 15th yet?  cuz if not, I get dibs on it.... just sayin' ......
. Surgery date OCTOBER 16th    
on 7/9/12 1:34 pm - Portage La Prairie, Canada
If you are talking to Andrea could you ask if there has been any movement on the waiting list?

I'll take October 15th with you, we could be roomies....
on 7/9/12 11:33 am
RNY on 05/15/12
 You're welcome but really this surgery has been such a blessing that it feels good to share it with people like you who are just starting your journey. 

GrannyD, I was in the office about two weeks ago and Andrea was using a desk right in the main office but I think it is temporary they are  changing things around in the initial check in area.  She said she was probably going to be moving to the Vic but had no idea when maybe in the fall she thought.  I didn't get a chance to ask her about a meeting space, it got pretty busy in there.  
Referred March 2/11,  Group Orientation Nov. 4 /11, Surgery date May 15/12  RNY    
on 7/9/12 12:30 pm
VSG on 10/16/12
I'll try and get through tomorrow, I know I was supposed to do this awhile ago but my coworker (work wife) has been on holidays so I am doing both jobs - so no time for anything extra during the day, I need to ask her about where my appt with Laura is as well. ....... and I want to call dibs on Oct 15th.....haha
. Surgery date OCTOBER 16th    
on 7/9/12 5:07 pm - Selkirk, Canada
DS on 06/14/12
Hi Begins today, I had the Duodendal switch with dr.Ponce de Leon on June 14th. I am doing well now after getting pnumonia after I returned home from Mexico. The antibiotics were very hard on my digestive system. I am now able to eat most things as long as I chew it well. Weight loss has been slow, but I expect that to change soon. I hope to meet you at the next M + G. If you have more questions you can PM me. Thanks Barb
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