Full feeling?!?

on 6/16/12 4:24 am
Hi all,

Presently I eat until past full-totally feeling uncomfortable and yucky-not as bad as the Thanksgiving full feeling. Then as my stomach settles down, feeling just full, then I eat again...
What I am worried about is after the surgery, will I still be eating until the yucky feelings because that is what I am used to?  I mean after the initial months of healing. I read on other sights of people regaining the weight a couple of years down the road and stretching their sleeves.

I I would love to have more energy, lessen the pain in my knees and take a bath again! Reading all your weight loss victories and of clothes "too big" does get me excited, maybe I can have that too!!

Thanks for the support.
Tanya W.
on 6/18/12 11:49 pm, edited 6/18/12 11:52 pm - Winnipeg, Canada
In the first months after surgery you will unable to eat anywhere near what you ate before. You have to be very careful because your stomach has undergone major surgery. If you overdo it then you pay the price by throwing up.

However, about a year after surgery your stomach has stretched again and it is very easy to go back to old habits. It is a struggle for me now and I find that I can gain a few pounds very easily. The difference is that I can no longer binge the way I used to.

That said, having weight loss surgery was the best decision I ever made. It was not the magical ride I hoped it would be, but it did give me my life back. I no longer walk with a cane and my blood pressure is normal. I am no longer in danger of becoming diabetic.

The only person who knows if this is the right path for you is you. Do as much research as you can. If you are even mildly interested in the program here in Manitoba, get your name in as soon as possible. If down the road you decide it isn't right for you, you can always take your name off the list.

Good Luck!

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