
on 6/15/12 4:47 am
Thanks JustLori for the info on the chip cravings, head hunger is what is going to be the struggle for me but looking forward to more energy to do things.

I tend to be shy and private so it may be awhile before I contact the "person I know" for info, but I do know she will be a great source of incouragement and advice.

Crazy cat lady thanks for the info on depression. I know some of the weight is from the depression but some of the depression is from the weight. I can see that after the surgery there will be alot of time spent on interesting self discovery!

Have a great weekend.
(deactivated member)
on 6/15/12 8:21 am
for the chip craving i found protien chips that dont taste terrible.i also found protien pretzels.some of the girls tried them at the meet and greet.if you want the info i can get it for you.
btw welcome to the group and please dont be afraid to ask questions.
on 6/15/12 10:41 am
VSG on 06/04/12

Where did you find the protein chips and pretzels?  Not that I think I am going to try them for a while.  They will likely be my trigger foods.

Dr. Sauceda future patient  - body will be by Sauceda!

Surgery 4 Jun 12 Dr Ponce de Leon in Mexico I was down 57 lbs prior to surgery.

(deactivated member)
on 6/15/12 11:35 pm
i found them at the mall of america but you can order them from amazon.its called kays naturals.they have protien cereal too.
here are the stats on them
chili cheese nacho chips
carbs 15g
sugar 1 g
protien 12g   per 34 g bag
jalapeno honey mustard pretzels
9 g carbs
sugars 3g
protien 10g
per 28 g bag
hope this helps
on 6/15/12 11:20 am - Canada
VSG on 04/03/12
I bought them at vitacost .com... I wanted somewhere I could buy some protein snacks and click to get sent to the hotel to bring back with me. I have had chips a few times. I still can't eat many but I know they are my triggery foods as well.  I just don't have  a lot of room in my sleeve so I have to make it sleeve worthy for the most part . Lots of protein and I tend to have some veggies or fruit ( not a huge fruit fan  though) as snacks so I can fit it in.

Once I started telling people I was going for the surgery or after I had it I was surprised by how many people I knew who were on the wait list already or were considering it. Odds are this person you know , will be used to people telling them stuff like this. I know I love giving support and advice - I figure it is good karma passing on knowledge.


HW 295 lbs,CW 195, nuts goal-210, my goal 175 surgery date April 3 in Tijuana with Dr Ponce De Leon      

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