First Post

on 6/14/12 10:55 pm
Hi all,

I have been reading your blogs since last fall and I am finally ready to ask some questions. ( I recognized someone I knew's picture which got me hooked, felt like I was spying on her without her knowing!)

I am interested in the sleeve and will need to have it done in Mexico because my BMI is too high for Winnipeg.

I know that I can follow the pre-surgery liquid diet and the progressive diet of the recovery time BUT....
 - how do you stop wanting to eat chips and chocolate in front of the TV?
 - now hunger has nothing to do with eating for me, how does that change?
 - what does a day's meal look like two years down the road?
 - I suffer from depression, won't that effect the progress?

Thanks for the info,

on 6/14/12 11:39 pm - Winnipeg, Canada
I am too heavy for the Winnipeg program and was referred to Edmonton. I can't answer a number of your questions but I can answer the depression one from my own perspective.

I was diagnosed with depression 17 years ago which was very mild but became very sick in 2004. I take 2 different antidepressants. Last year I lost 30 pounds and regained 7. Since April 2nd I've lost 32 pounds and I feel amazing. Sure the depression is still there but my self confidence has increased. I am hoping that as I continue on my journey the amount of medications I take will decrease, including my antidepressants. Now I'm not lofty enough to think I won't need ANY meds for my mental health but being able to move more and hurt less is helping for sure.

I wish you the best of luck!

 HW: 361  CW: 337.8  Goal:  To come off most of my meds


on 6/15/12 12:07 am - Canada
VSG on 04/03/12
I can relate to your post! I am in mexico right now with my sister ( who is getting the sleeve)
If you need any info - let me know ... glad you de lurked and you should come to the meet and greets - lots of pre ops and post ops there... i was nervous the first time but am soooo glad i came. If you feel like meeting for coffee as well with a smaller group or even one on one I'm all good for that too.

I had my sleeve 10 weeks ago and am 54 lbs down .

I never had any long term success with dieting before and keeping the weight off I really feel that the sleeve is giving me a tool in my toolbox that I can actually do it this time .

Head hunger still comes ( when you aren't really hungry but want to eat) but I just can't physically eat as much anyway. I found the first couple of weeks I had broken some of the habits like eating in front of the tv and stuff...

I found the pre op diet the worst - now it seems more normal foods .... just tiny amounts. I'm not hungry and I don't really like the feeling when I eat close to my capacity. I like undereating my sleeve. Just enough to take the hunger away but not leave me yucky feeling -yesterday since I am travelling -  I had a bite of a taco and then just the filling inside instead for the rest of it for supper. For lunch I had a gladiator smoothie at the airport  ( 45 g of protein wooohooo ) breakfast was yogurt and berries and a coffee at the airport. I also had a 100 calorie nut pack as a snack

I also have depression - or not sure if I should say have or had.... I've been on meds for like 5 years and don't really feel the need to go off them. I am stable and controlled and a chicken about going off especially when all these other changes are happening! I don't get a lot of side effects from the meds unless I forget them ... I think the weight is a situational part of the depression but for the most part I have a great life and it's bio chemical. Some meds are hard to lose on but most aren't. and some even help with weight loss...

If you need some mexico info let me know. Dr ponce is awesome and if you use him you Have to use Trish as a co ordinator .... the other co ordinators suck big time imo.... I am here now and the other ones are all missing in action and things aren't as smoothly run.  If you want Trish to give you a call or have me answer  questions - she is with us everyday for hours lol.... I also have some of my surgery pics on a photobucket account.

HW 295 lbs,CW 195, nuts goal-210, my goal 175 surgery date April 3 in Tijuana with Dr Ponce De Leon      

on 6/15/12 1:50 am - Winnipeg, Canada
VSG on 02/21/12
Welcome to the site.  You realize everyone who's read your post is wondering if they're the one you    This site is such a great source of information, and the support here is wonderful.  I don't know where I'd be without it. 

I'm happy with my choice to get the sleeve.  It just made sense to me.  And speaking as a chip-o-holic I can tell you this.  I still get the craving...but things have changed so much.  I used to be able to scarf down a whole big bag while sitting in front of the TV.  Now I usually go eat something healthier to fill me up.  Of course the stomach fills up so easily now, so when I do this the craving goes away.  Or the odd time I will give in to temptation, but the difference now is that I can take 1 or 2  handfuls, or a small bowl of those little suckers and that's all I need to satisfy me me. 

Good luck with everything.

It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves. Edmund Hillary
HW 282  CW 229  Height 5'9"  NUT Goal: 195-199  My Goal: 175


on 6/16/12 2:14 am, edited 6/16/12 2:14 am
RNY on 05/15/12
Hi there, welcome to the board and so glad you are posting questions.

I had the RNY 4 1/2 weeks ago and am doing really well and loving the decision to have it done.
I am down 32 lbs since I started the pre-op diet and I can feel a big difference already. The biggest for me is the reduced pain in my knees, what a relief. I didn't realize how bad it had gotten until it wasn't there anymore. I was averaging 4-6 extra strenghth advil per day. Since the surgery and the end of my pain meds for that I have had maybe 2 tylenol and that was for headaches.

I was really confused pre op too about handling hunger and cravings. I don't get the ravinous hunger I had before, it's more a subtle feeling and I have to watch the clock to make sure I get my meals in on time. I have a tea upon waking, then a protien shake with yogurt and fruit about an hour later. 4 hours later I do lunch usually half a small can of tuna or salmon or 1/3 of a chicken breast with some veggies. Then about 4:00 I plan a snack either cheese and crackers or fruit and yogurt. Then supper is around 7-8 pm and is similar to lunch. If I am still up at 10 or 11 I might have a light snack.

I haven't had a lot of head hunger that I can't get rid of by really thinking it through. The only thing that is bugging me right now is the McDonald's drumstick mcflurry but that too passes. I was a alternate binger between chocolate and gummy candies and salty chips and popcorn. I am amazed how none of that is calling out to me yet.

Hope to meet you and a meet and great soon, don't worry about being nervous we all were our first time. There are so many great people here and there is so much support and info.

Referred March 2/11,  Group Orientation Nov. 4 /11, Surgery date May 15/12  RNY    
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