5 Days Post-Op...

on 3/24/12 12:05 am
So it's been 5 days since my surgery and I'm feeling better and better every day.  I had a pureed bowl of soup yesterday for the first time.  I think after not eating for 2 1/2 weeks it was the best meal of my life.  I can't tell if I'm full or not after I eat so I have to be very careful and measure all my "food".  Most of the pain is gone although my incision sights are a bit sore today but I've gained most of my strength back.  I have no more nausea and the gas pains are mostly gone.  I even walked to the mailbox at the end of the street yesterday. It actually felt good to get up and out of the house. 

I weighed myself today and am still up 2 lbs from before the surgery.  The Dr. said I would retain a lot of "water weight" from all the fluids they pump into me for up to 3 weeks after the surgery.  Despite the temporary weight gain, I'm looking forward to my new life. 
(deactivated member)
on 3/24/12 12:41 am
congrats & welcome to the losers bench.i am glad you are feeling so well.i remember the first real food after my surgery.it was the best food in the world.
just remember to take it easy and rest.stay off the scale for a few days so you are not worrying about the weight right now.just focus on healing and sip sip sip
on 3/24/12 1:50 am - Canada

Glad you're feeling well and recovery quickly. 

on 3/24/12 2:22 am, edited 3/24/12 2:22 am - Winnipeg, Canada
VSG on 02/21/12

Glad to hear everything went well and you're on the mend.  I chuckled when I read how much you enjoyed your pureed soup.   About a week after surgery I had a mug of tomato soup and I thought I died and went to heaven, it tasted so darn good!   

It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves. Edmund Hillary
HW 282  CW 229  Height 5'9"  NUT Goal: 195-199  My Goal: 175


on 3/24/12 4:41 am
RNY on 05/15/12
Congrats Heather.  So glad to hear everything went well and you're feeling good.  Can't wait for my turn.  Hearing how others manage helps reinforce my decision to go ahead.  It's nice to have some idea of what to expect.  Hope you continue to recover quickly.
on 3/24/12 1:01 pm
RNY on 01/23/12
 Welcome to the losers bench!  Glad to hear you're doing so well.  It's such an exciting journey. Enjoy your soup!  kj
on 3/27/12 9:46 am
Things sound good Heather..what kind of surgery did you choose?
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