Looking for some great advice...

on 9/29/11 4:07 pm - Canada
Hi Ladies,
First time I've been on this site not to mention the first time I've ever considered blogging.
I guess I'm looking for your own personal info and advice.
Here's the info about me first.
Had my referral done last Oct/10. Met with Dr. Vergis the end of this past June. Met with Teresa Grosko, the psych dr in July. Just met with Laura the nutritionist this past week. Everyone has given me the go ahead. I'm 38 years old, height is 5'3 and weight is 220 lbs. Laura anticipates that I will get down to about 165, which would be heaven! No date has been set yet but Andrea figures she'll be calling me in a few weeks with a date. Now that you have all my info, I have a few questions that I hope I can get some feedback on.
Once you had your surgery how long did it take for you to start to feel better?
This may be a silly question, but what happens to all the "loose skin"?
Also, do you know why we get thinning/lost hair, can we do anything to avoid it?
I've been reading alot of your posts and you all sound so motivating and informative. I would love to become part of your "little" family that you got going on here. Will you be having any meet and greets any time soon?
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
on 9/29/11 9:50 pm - Pine Falls, Canada
Welcome!  Good luck on your journey. Which surgery have you chosen? I have my version to the questions you ask.  Once I had my surgery (VSG), I can honestly say I felt better around the 2 month mark.  It is so dependant on your ability to tolerate fluid/protein, how you stick to your diet.  I however probably advanced my diet too soon, therefore did not feel so hot after.  I also suffered from GERD but is now under control with PPI's.  I do not weigh myself often.  It gets to be an obsession and a disappointment.  I really suggest you do the same.  Go by how you feel and how your clothes feel.  I do not have sagging skin.  I am quite proud of my toned body.  I started working out at 6 wks and haven't stopped.  I also may be blessed with good genes as well.  I do have a slight problem with my arms but lifting weights a couple times a week is sorting that out.  The hair thing unfortunately is inevitable, sorry.  Don't waste your $$ on Biotin/Silica etc.  Everyone will concur that it is a given.  It stops at 7 months (for me). Hope this helps.  Hope to connect at the next M & G.   

HW 300 CW 294 DAY OF SURG WEIGHT 267 Height  5'2.5
NUT Goal 180   My Goal  150

on 9/29/11 11:17 pm - Canada
Wow! Thanks so much for getting back to me so fast!
I am scheduled to have the gastric bypass surgery. Do you mind me asking how long ago was your surgery?
I agree with you and the scale thing. I know I'll be excited about losing the weight just like all of you were. Personally I don't care what the scale will say it's how I'm going to feel in my body and clothes. The scale is just a number and I don't want to be tied to it. Well see how it goes but that is my intention.
Good to know about the extra skin and hair thing. I love that people like you are so open and honest about things like this. I mean losing the weight is the most important thing but it's good to know about the other stuff too. I was never told by any of the doctors about the hair thing and at least I can prepare myself in advance.
Any advice, thoughts or comments are always welcome by all.
Please keep me posted about the next M & G as I would love to join.
Thanks again.
on 9/30/11 12:48 am - Canada
Hi and welcome to the forum!
These ladies are amazing and have been so supportive throughout my journey.
I just had my surgery on Monday...also a Gastric Bypass (RNY).
So being only 5 days out, I can honestly say that I feel very good. Dr. Vergis gave me 2 prescriptions for pain meds and they are wonderful...I alternate them every 4-6 hours. I am able to walk around and do basic chores like making my baby's bottle, throwing food in the slow cooker, etc. I can't quite bend and pick stuff up yet, but soon. My nights are fantastic...only up once or twice to use the bathroom.
I am keeping all fluids down, and just sip from my 1 litre Sigg bottle all day long. When I start to feel cramping in my gut, I know I've had a bit too much liquid and I stop...the pain usually passes after a few minutes. My incisions don't hurt at all...the pain is more 'internal'. I was able to have a shower after 2 days. The gasses are slowly moving around. I've lost 5 pounds since surgery! I started on my chewable multi-vits yesterday and they are sitting fine (although I broke them into quarters and had one piece every hour).
Please let me know if you have any more questions about the RNY and I'll try to help. There are other women on this forum who will be a lot more helpful, as they know the 'long term' effects.
The Dietician who visited me in the hospital (Kim) told me that if I keep my protein up (I need 80 g a day b/c I'm tall), that I shouldn't lose a lot of hair. But who knows...apparently it's a problem for almost everyone. I have long, thick hair so hopefully I'll be okay.
Take care and I hope to meet you at the next meet and greet!

HW: 290 SW: 260 CW: 165 Their goal: 195 My goal: 160
on 9/30/11 1:03 am - Canada
Congrats on your recent surgery! You sound like you're doing amazingly well.
I'm trying not to get too far ahead of the game as I'm still waiting for my surgery date. But I love to hear everyone's personal stories and the tips. I wish I would have found this site sooner. 
When I last spoke to Andrea she figured my surgery would be in November sometime. I just hate the not knowing as I'm trying to plan life in general, a trip and Christmas is just around the corner from then.
I hope to listen and learn as much as possible from anyone who wants to share their experiences and I am grateful for this.
Looking forward to talking with you more.
Take care.
on 10/3/11 12:53 pm - Canada
Hi there,
So, I see your a week out now. Do you mind me asking how your doing? How's the pain, limitations, liquid only diet, etc.
When your up to it, I'd love to hear from you.
on 9/30/11 9:58 pm
VSG on 10/16/12
Welcome Mama!  This site is great, especially for the local info.  I also check out the forums that are nation wide as I find lots more controversal topics there.  They also have many, many NSVs (non scale victories) which I enjoy and lots of before/after pics for surgiversaries (some people are out for years and it is interesting to see how lives have changed, good and sometimes bad so be prepared)  There are so many questions being asked there that some will definitely pertain to you and your situation.  All information is good, but use your common sense filter and don't be scared to ask questions if you think something you read is wonky.  sometimes those people be crazy.......

You can get to the RNY forum by clicking on forums, then surgical, then it will give you all the choices of different surgeries, RNY will be one of them.

You will learn and see lots ..... remember the filter! lol

on 10/1/11 1:10 pm - Canada
Thanks for the info NGD!
Yes I agree, things need to be filtered. There's way too much either black or white. I like to see the whole spectrum of things. Not to mention just as you said common sense.
I appreciate you letting me know about the different forums. I will totally check them out. I must say this site is so supportive I'm really enjoying myself getting to know all of you ladies.
Any info or tips you can throw my way will always be appreciated.
Thanks again.
on 10/1/11 9:24 am
Hi J,

I had the VSG almost 1 year ago!!!  October 19th to be exact.  They told me that I would not loose as much weight as the RnY.  WRONG!!  I weighed in at 311lbs in august of 2010.  Today at 11 months I am 195lbs.( 116 pounds gone)

Hairloss happens to everyone, protein intake is very important post-op.  (Take a peek at my photos)I am the photo nut, I take photos of everything on my body.  This way when the scale stalls I can look back and see the difference.

Welcome to the group, I must ask how did you find us?  I have told Laura to tell the new patients about our group(not sure she does).

Opps loose skin happens, I am 40, very tall at 5'10.5" and have had 3 kids.  (Boobs are hanging like tangerines in tub socks, arms look like mud flaps on a semi) BUT I feel so good that all the extra skin only bothers me during sexy with the lights ON!!  My husband says that the boobs can be fixed!!

Take care, good luck in your journey and please do join us at our meet and greets.

Stats: HW 311 lbs in Aug 2010, VSG on 10/19/2010, Surgeons goal 208lbs, My Goal 175lbs or less Current 193lbs
on 10/1/11 1:22 pm - Canada
Wow! Congrats on all the weight loss to date! I can't wait to be where you are.
I haven't checked out all of your photo's yet but the ones I have seen are VERY impressive. You should be very proud of yourself! It must be an amazing feeling.
No Laura did not tell me about the group. I agree she should, considering it would be a good networking tool for new people like me and pro's like yourself to share info. I actually was just surfing the net and wrote "gastric bypass winnipeg" and it took me to the blogging area. I was so impressed and in awe of the stories I must have stayed up for what seemed like forever reading. You all seem like such a tight knit little family it was hard to resist the urge to write. As I said in a previous message I have never responded or joined any group ever. I am really looking forward to an M & G to meet such amazing woman like yourself. It only makes you stronger!
Thanks again Michelle for your openness and info.
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