Really having ditzzy moments

on 3/25/11 9:22 am
Before surgery I had wanted it for years. I did a ton of research went to 4 yes 4 seminars. Went to the dietician and a class with the dietician. Had a couple of books and felt I reserched the heck out of this band.
So why am I clueless. I'm still having problems figuring out what I should and the amount I should be eating. Like I know 4 oz is a guideline but I for example don't get if your going to have lunch meat and a laughing cow cheese wedge do you measure the lunch meat and cheese or do you tear it up and see if it comes to 4 oz I know this sounds stupid but seriously I'm having issues.
Also if I want something like a little amount of cereal do I only eat it if I get down 4 oz of protein and still have room. Can I ever have oatmeal with a protein shake on the side??
We really need the thread what did you eat today everyday because I'm clueless and it helps me get ideas from other people.
Sorry working on a nervous break down here!!!! I have lost 28 lbs since getting banded but it seems like I live off of luch meat and protein shakes. I haven't had a fill.
(deactivated member)
on 3/25/11 11:11 am - Des Moines, IA
Hi, you will see different views on what everyone does.  I have always weighed my meat on a scale.  I usually eat 2-3 ounces.  I measure out my veggies,usually 1/4 cup.  I do this for lunch and dinner.  My breakfast could be a Greek yogurt or a cheese stick or some steel cut oats.  Some say a yogurt is a slider food, but it lasts until lunch for me.  I will have a snack if I get hungry of some fruit or a cheese stick. 

If you need a protein shake, do that before your food, or you just dilute the food in your pouch and it will pu**** on through.  No fluids after your dense protein etc. for whatever time your surgeon suggests.

You need to eat some different types of protein.  I eat fish, chicken, pork and beef and some Morningstar Spicy Black bean burgers. Or "meatless meatballs" etc.  Also I never do shakes unless I have had a stuck episode and I've only had that 4x's in 20 months and I've never PB'd.  After a fill I will do a protein drink for 24-36 hours afterwards.   I get all of my protein in by eating solid food.   I know some people are told it's okay to do shakes/protein drinks, but I would rather eat food.  It sticks with me longer.  Fluids go right on through and don't give me the feeling of satiety.

Make a list of questions and ask your surgeon what they suggest.

I went 3 months without any fluid in my band, per my choice, and lost 30 pounds after surgery.

Hope this helps! 
on 3/25/11 9:48 pm
great info!!
Stephanie M.
on 3/25/11 11:21 am
Volume is the key...your pouch holds 2-4 ounces volume...a half cup measuring cup is your best friend.


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 3/25/11 11:55 am, edited 3/25/11 11:56 am
Like the others said you will get many different answers cause each doc is different.

I go by measuring cups but about 4 oz of meat usually equals out to about a 1/2 cup of protein which I'm suppose to have per meal .  So when I go out to dinner if I see something that is about 4-6 oz then that is just about near my ball park on what I should eat for protein .  Then I use my other 1/4 cup of for a veggie and then 1/4 cup for a potato

And to be honest with you I dont eat lunch meats no more .  I dont think they are very filling and not very good protein , but that is just how I feel about it :o)

As far as cereal there is only one cereal I eat and I only eat that about once a week maybe twice because of the carbs but its excellent source of fiber and that helps me go to the bathroom.  I eat Kellogg's Fiber Plus with antioxidants .  I eat a cup of that and that has 10 grams of fiber in it .  The fiber alone has enough in it that it keeps me full for a good 3-4 hrs . I will eat a cup of cereal when I do it .

Now when I eat the cereal I double up my protein for lunch and dinner so I can get my 60 grams plus in for the day :o)  For example I will have a 1/2 cup of chicken which is usually around 25 grams of protein then 1/2 cup of cottage cheese which is twelve .

If I was you I would really try to cut back on the lunch meats.     I think you will find yourself alot fuller if you would eat something better like chicken , pork or a lean meat like steak .

I do not use protein shakes at all. I feel like I need to get my protein from meals.  Maybe if you cut back on the lunch meats and the protein shakes and get your protein from meat you might see a difference.  :o)

I haven't had a fill since my surgery yet either .  I eat alot of protein and that seems to really keep me satisfied between meals :o)

Good luck !!!!
Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

Kate -True Brit
on 3/25/11 5:17 pm - UK

Well here's my personal philosophy. Relax!!! Relax!!! Relax!!!

Pre-band, I obsessed about food.  When i went to bed, i was thinking about breakfast, when I ate breakfast, i was planning lunch. If i booked a day out/holiday, what and where I would eat was the most important thing.

And if I thought about food, I felt hungry. If I felt hungry, I ate.

So i made the decision to break the cycle when I got my band. I knew that counting, measuring, journalling would allow me to continue my obsession. I would be obsessing about calorie counts not food but that woudl still eman i wsa thinking all the tiem "now i have had 580 caloreis now so I can eat 300 calories then and still eat.......etc"

So at first I learned how my band and my body felt and worked together. I didn't weigh things - i just took small amounts, ate them, waited a few minutes and then either walked away or had a bit more.

In any case, from what I read on here, some people measure by volume, some by weight. Some of the volume people eat 1/2 cup, some 1 1/2 cups! When i ate in a restaurant with some bandsters when i came to Boston, one commented on the fact I ate much more than she expected from a very successful bandster! I've no idea! I eat the amount which makes me comfortable, which kept me losing weight.


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 3/25/11 9:44 pm
I am sooo with you on this!!!! I have been banded for over a year and lost 70lbs. and I STILL feel confused about what/how much to eat. Sometimes I have about 3oz. meat and one little broccoli floret on my plate. My doc really cautions against slider foods, no liquid calories etc. I feel a bit dense bacause I feel I need it spelled out to me, or to have photos of what to eat in what amts.
on 3/25/11 10:17 pm - NY
Lap Band on 11/16/10 with
And there is a daily post....What are we eating this (fill in the day of the week)? Check it out and you will get a sample of what bandsters are eating.

Enjoy the journey!
John B.
on 3/26/11 12:37 am - Blackstone, MA
 Hi,  I think the one thing everyone has agreed on is that we are all different. We need to take some of this from one person and some from another and custom fit it to our own lifestyle. I personally drink 1 ISO PURE shake for breakfast 8oz water 2 scoops powder and 1 frozen banana, this gives me 50mg of protein and I am full for about 5 hours and it tastes great. As for my intake of meats, I've been eating allot of fish and chicken, I buy a fair amount 1 / 2 weeks worth and I weigh it out into 3oz portions then use my food saver and freeze it. I take out enough the night before for the next day. My veggies and starch I make a big batch and on average I take 3 tablespoons of each and I refrigerate the rest for the next few days. I also drink 70 to 90 oz of water / crystal lite per day. I wouldn't do deli / lunch meats as others stated they do not give the feeling of fullness you are looking for as they are loaded with preservatives and things that our bodies don't need. I hope that with all the post you will be able to make a plan that works for you. I am 3 weeks Post Op ( empty band ) and I am down 35 pounds. Thank you Jesus
LilySlim Weight loss tickers
on 3/26/11 1:09 am, edited 3/26/11 1:10 am
John you are doing so well !!!! Congrats to you 35 pounds that is awesome !!  And you are going so long without wanting to eat also you remind me of me when I was at that stage to so early out :o)

I see you are still empty so am I are you planning on having a fill when you can after your first 6 week check up or are you going to skip it since you are going so long without eating .

I do need to follow in your footsteps abou****er Im horriable about that *sigh*. I really need to work on that Im lucky just to get my 60 oz in a day of pure water .
Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

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