Oahu Support Group

Sharon S.
on 11/18/03 8:51 am - Kaneohe, HI
Does anyone know of any WLS support groups that meet on Oahu (for pre and postop WLS patients)? I know Kaiser has their own support group but does anyone know of a group outside of Kaiser?
on 1/30/04 2:00 am - Omaha, NE
Umm, I asked my dietician (straub) and she said there used to be a small one but people stopped going or something. I thought it would be cool to start one but I'm not much a motivator and as I haven't even had the surgery yet I would feel a little funny, but if somebody started one I would try to go.
Sharon S.
on 1/30/04 3:20 am - Kaneohe, HI
I have been considering starting a support group but that is still in the early stages of just thinking about it. I feel I have a lot to offer, because I combined low carb eating (both pre and postop) with the surgery, and I had, and am still having, marvelous results. I would like to share my success with others and they can make up their own minds as to how they want to prepare for the surgery. Also, starting a group requires getting the word out to interested parties. I don't know if Straub would help us or not. I had my surgery done there too. I was thinking about checking out possible meeting rooms at the YWCA on Richards Street.
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