RNY Revision to DS last week

Shelley L
on 11/26/13 1:11 pm - Calgary, Canada
Revision on 11/18/13



Let me start by saying I have been a member of OH since 2005 and am grateful it is here to turn to again years later.  In my blog, I started as a lightweight at 222 and dropped to 135 in 1 year.  Then I started to regain.  8 years later I was at 196 again....More details on my blog.  So skipping forward....I had revision to DS last Monday in Montreal with the amazing Dr Michel Gagner.  I can't praise this man enough.  He is beyond smart and is like an icon or celebrity in the bariatric world.  Yes I had to self-pay...as OHIP wouldn't pay for any revisions,  

I feel great.  Almost normal and very little pain.  I can chew just about anything into the soft food stage so I don't have and restrictions.  Felt weird to lose my pouch and feel hungry and eat!  BUT now I am scared!  I can eat! It is still a small portion of stomach but now I have the malabsorbtion of DS.  Dr's followup says I am doing great!  BUT again I have only lost 7 lbs??  Probably cause you have nothing bu****er and fluids for 3 days!  RNY the weight dropped off like nothing (mind you vomiting and a one ounce stomach helped with that.   I am scared that I just paid a whackload of money and am going to remain the same weight!


Any people with the same revision have some experience with this and please tell me that the weightloss and malabsorption will kick in?? The scale has sat at 189 now for 3 days :-(  I am getting cravings (prob more emotional craving) I have no problem taking all my vitamins, water, liquids, proteins and yes even chicken tonight.  Small portion, but still!!  I need to find some wonderful blogs to help as a guide!


Fingers and toes crossed for the scale to move soon!


I did post in Revision Forum, but thought I may get some insight here too!




on 11/26/13 5:56 pm - VA

Congratulations!  broken heart

There are a couple of folks here that revised from RNY to DS. Teachmid posts on the daily Bites & Vites thread. I have heard that revisions lose slower and lightweights have less to lose, so don't get discouraged. Keep doing what you're doing.


5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
Join us on the
Lightweights Board!
DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

Shelley L
on 11/27/13 1:04 am - Calgary, Canada
Revision on 11/18/13
Thanks Gina. I am trying!


on 11/29/13 8:53 am

Hey there!  I am a revision from RNY to DS.  Revisions do lose slower and you are starting out as a lightweight.  With only 40 or so lbs to lose....it is going to take some time.  Trust in the DS and follow high protein, low carb once you are able to eat regular foods.  Going from the pouch to a sleeve is a big change and takes getting used to.  It was amazing for me to not have food get stuck all the time and to not feel hungry.  I am 2 1/2 yrs out and I still have good restriction.  I was 250 day of surgery and got down to 162 at my lowest.  I now maintain around 170 and am going in for plastics on Monday, so should be maintaining around 160 after that.  The weight loss was slow and steady.  I agree with staying off the scale.  You can weigh once a week if that makes you feel better.  Pick the same day/time each week to weigh.  I do this just to be accountable.  And then if things start going in the wrong direction, it doesn't get too bad before I catch it, lol.  

Couple of questions for you.....How big is your stomach?  My stomach is 3.3 oz.  How long is your common channel?  Mine is 85 cm.  These are number that you should be able to find in your op report.  If you don't have your op report, request one from the hospital you had your surgery at.  What are you taking for vites?  How much protein are you aiming for?  How much fluid are you getting per day?





RNY to DS Revision 4/29/2011
Dr. Henry Buchwald

"Think twice.....Cut ONCE"

Shelley L
on 11/30/13 5:40 am - Calgary, Canada
Revision on 11/18/13
Thanks for replying, yes as I am light weight and am hoping to lose at least 50 for normal bmi. I was so happy to lose my pouch. Eating feels normal, I guess that's why its scary. I am used to that warning feeling. I am not expecting weight to fall as fast as with RNY, as the limitation was very strict postop. I was not told how much was left, but will def find out! Ty I am taking multi vitamins, B12, blood pressure meds, calcium. I postdd to find someone just like you to ensure that I wasn't endulging as it felt too easy especially since not one pound came off for 3 days of water diet..lol. thank you for posting :-)


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