Hello Everybody

on 3/18/12 5:07 am - Merced, CA
I am sorry it has been so long since I have posted. Life goes by so fast! I have been busy with my grandkids and my Red Hat activities. I went to a convention in Las Vegas last weekend, it was so much fun. I went a couple of days early to see my parents.

I have gained back a little weight and Dr. Swartz wants me to lose it, but I think I look and feel better with the added weight. I do have a new addiction and that is shopping. I am planning on getting counseling for it. Enough is Enough already! There is a lady named Denise in Modesto who is supposed to specialize in WLS patients and I have a call into her.

How are all of you doing? I will try to check in more often. I do think of you often.


Bebaugh (Elizabeth)

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." Carl Bard    

Lee ~
on 3/25/12 4:50 am - CA
 Elizabeth, it's great to see you back here.  I can understand being out in the world with all those great activities.  Oy on the shopping!  It's so easy to do. I have been spending my money on exercise lasses.  Being recently unemployed means that I have to be careful.  I keep watch for good Groupons.

You had gotten very thin the last time I saw you.  Are you still within your normal BMI?

Please keep coming back to update us on how you're doing!  :)

HW: 249   SW: 229 GW: 149 Age: 63 - Body by Sauceda - 12/2011

on 3/28/12 3:22 am - Anaheim, CA
Hi Elizabeth, I too have been very busy with life and have not posted for goodness knows how long. I also gained back a little but not to worry I am already seeing a local counselor who specializes in wls patients and we are getting me back on track. Miss all the posts on here, but with facebook and email and life I sometimes get to overwhelmed to keep up. A couple of months ago my Grandfather died suddenly and We have been driving out from Anaheim to the Temecula area every weekend to be with her. She is 89 and going strong, but needs some help with various things now that grandpa is gone. I hope to be back on here more, since my counselor told me I should. lol Take Care. All the best to everyone on the WLS path. Amy
on 4/1/12 5:22 pm - Fresno, CA
Hi Elizabeth,
Glad to hear you are doing well.  It's crazy how now we are so active we barely have time to get on the forums to chat.  I too gained a few pounds from my lowest weight but I dont feel bad about it.  I'm still within my BMI and I have a bit of curves so I feel great.  I have started back on track with the gym and group classes so I should start taking control again.  Nice hearing from you.  Hope all goes well with your shopping counseling.  I'm still in denial.  LOL
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