Tummy Tuck

on 5/17/12 12:26 am - Canada
Well, I had my surgery on Mach 28 2011.  I am now down to around 122 (depending on the day).  I wear a size 5 and loving it.  So anyhoo, I am from Manitoba but I had my surgery in Medicine Hat.  I had a consult over the phone on Tuesday regarding having a tummy tuck.  I was thinking the wait would be long.  To my surprise he booked it for this summer!  Aug 9th actually.  Could have been earlier but need to make arrangements for kids, work and such.  

5 years wait for a bypass, 3months for a tummy tuck!

Has anyone else had a Tummy Tuck yet?  Can you tell me how long you were off work for?  He said up to 6 weeks but I am hoping that it will be more like 2 to 3.   Not sure if that is realisitic.

     Dr. Nohr in Medicine Hat.  Open RNY March 28 2011.  Start weight 253 current weight 122.       
on 5/17/12 1:11 am - Canada

First of all, congrats on your weight loss, that's amazing!  Good for you. 

I was off for 6 weeks but I had the Fleur-de-lis Abdominoplasty with lipo and muscle repair and a monsplasty at the same time (they removed 15.5 lbs of skin and fat).  I was in a lot of pain, more so from the muscle repair and lipo than the actual incisions themselves.  I definitely felt more pain with this surgery than my sleeve surgery.  I would recommend the full 6 weeks if you are doing a muscle repair at the same time, if not, you may be ok to go back sooner (depending on your job, that is).  I probably would have taken more time if I could have.

Also keep in mind that as you are healing you wont be able to pick up anything over 10 lbs.

I still feel pain from my muscle repair, almost a year later and I'm also still swelling which is normal from what I've read.

A really good website for info is this one: http://messageboards.makemeheal.com/tummy-tuck/

I learned a lot from that board and they got me through the time leading up to surgery as well as being support right afterwards.

Hope that helps!



FDL Abdominoplasty, Monsplasty, MR, Lipo to Flanks: August 18, 2011

on 5/17/12 7:46 am - Calgary, Canada
I have heard different things about the tummy tuck here in Alberta. Some have said that it is covered others say that it is not. Do you have any info on this?
Referral Date: Aug 2011
Start of Weight Management Program: Feb 2012
Highest Weight: 420
Current Weight: 413
on 5/17/12 7:52 am - Canada
AHC covers it for anything below the belly button (Panniculectomy).  I paid a portion because I had extra skin above the belly button plus I needed my muscles repaired and I decided to have the lipo.


FDL Abdominoplasty, Monsplasty, MR, Lipo to Flanks: August 18, 2011

on 5/26/12 1:40 pm
 I just had my tummy tuck with Dr.Nohr May17th. The wait is very short for the tuck afterwards. I will be off work for 6 weeks. Dr, Nohr doesn't just do the panniculectomy, he removes off the top and tightens the muscles. I'm still in a lot of pain a week later. The meds don't help so I just bear through it. I think it's mostly swelling causing the pain. This was sooooo worth it though. He removed 5lbs 8oz of skin from me. I have 132 staples, a new belly button and two big incision. I am not worried about the scarring, it's far better than having those awful rolls already. If I were you i'd seriously consider taking those 6 weeks off work. You will need them. I am still working on walking straight.
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