New Red Deer Patients - Blood tests - sharing my experience

on 1/14/12 12:50 pm

I just thought I would share my experience with the blood tests you are supposed to have when starting the program at the weightloss clinic in Red Deer.

I was supposed to fast for 12 hours and booked my appointment for today.  I went in and found out that I needed to be there for over 2 hours. So be prepared.  They take your blood, then make you drink this orange glucose drink, sit in the clinic for two hours with a timer and then they take your blood again. 

i was unaware of how long I would have to be there. No one told me about the two hour test. I ended up being there for almost 3 hours because of waiting for my turn (even though I booked an appointment).  Sadly I had another appointment that I had to cancel because of how long the test would take.

Just thought I would share so others can be prepared.


on 1/14/12 3:01 pm - Canada
 Oh wow. I remember doing that when I was pregnant to test for gestational diabetes. I was hoping to never do it again. Thanks for the warning!

on 1/15/12 1:35 am - Canada
That is such a brutal test.
The first time I had it done I was also never told about the two hour wait
When I saw it was needed for this I made sure I was prepared and brought books etc with me to kill the time. It was better than nothing but still so aggravating to have to wait that long. I understand it needs to be done but I think they should have somewhere on the lab sheet that lets you know it is going to be a two hour wait.

Good idea to share! Saves some other people from being blindsided. 
on 1/15/12 11:04 am
You are welcome ladies. I just want to give other people a heads up because so many nice people on this forum have told me about their experiences and explained things to me.

Sadly it is very hard for them to take blood from me...first test done from my hand and the second from my wrist.  crazy.  I am not looking forward to the IV when I have surgery. ha ha
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