4 Months and counting!

Nov 27, 2009

Hello OH Family,

Today I am offically 4 months out from my surgery.  I have lost 44lbs so far.  My weightloss has been kind of slow lately and many bad habits have resurfaced, but I have gained my control back.  I am wearing a 10/12  and looking great.  I feel healthy  and confident and I know that my sleeve was one of the best decisions I have ever made.  I am exciting to see what is down the road for me.  The smallest I have ever really seen my adult  body was a 10/12, so  I don't have a clue how I am going to look smaller, but I am OK with it.

I constantly get asked,  "How small do you want to be?"  I just say, I don't know! I had surgery to live a limitless life.  It doesn't make sense to now put a limit on what I want.  I am just enjoying the journey.  I will know when it is over. (the losing part that is).

NSV-  I am one pound away from being overweight!

Thanks for all the encouragement and love!

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About Me
San Antonio, TX
Surgery Date
Apr 26, 2009
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