Ccecejac’s Posts

on 1/16/24 9:08 am
Topic: RE: Count your Calories!!!!!

Hi Wendygail,

I sympathize with you what you have to experience with that otc ordeal. I am praying you recover from this horrible experience. I always emphasize check the food labels because it does specify "serving sizes" of the food you will ingest as well as the calories and the same for the beverages you drink.

Over the counter medications must be careful ingesting that as well. People utilizing the medication "Ozempic" it helps them with stopping food cravings suppressed their appetite to lose weight. To each its own.

I lose weight by counting my calories in and calories out. I am continuing having great success losing the weight after my Weight Loss Surgery in 2020. I will not take no kind of medication to lose weight!

Now, lots of insurance companies will not be covering patients who heavily relying on Ozempic. There is lots of side effects in Ozempic as well.

We all have two hormones the Ghrelin and Leptin. One lets our brain knows when we are hungry the Ghrelin hormone. The Leptin hormone lets us know when we are full. It only takes 20 minutes for our brain to tell our stomach we are full. No meds required.

People today, just need to stay hydrated, eat foods with fiber, protein will suppress their cravings. This is healthiest way to lose weight and control your appetite. If I would have known then, I wouldn't have to have Weight Loss Surgery.

Thank you so very much sharing your story. I hope you are feeling well from that ordeal.

Best wishes,

on 1/13/24 5:25 pm, edited 1/13/24 9:26 am
Topic: RE: Count your Calories!!!!!

Hi Sallyj,

We all know obesity is a disease and behavioral disorders. Weight Loss Surgery does not cure eating disorder. Lots of people had WLS regain their weight back going back to their old habits. Now, they get a revision try to lose weight again.

Each person journey is different. I am an advocate for people battling obesity and eating disorders. I have been obesity over 20 years. I talked with many people dealing with obesity and eating disorders. I know what they are going through. Our journey are different but we battled something in common obesity.

We are all entitle to our opinion and beliefs. Obesity not hereditary. I know scholars trying to say it is. I totally disagree.

People become obesity over the years feel there is no way out to stop his/her obsession eating habits. Ghrelin and Leptin are two harmones we have that let us know when we hungry and when we are satisfied or full from eating. The more weight people gain the more Leptin they will produce over the time. Instead of the brain saying you full it will start saying to keep eating.

The true fact of the matter ?if you consume over 2300 calories on a daily basis? and do not do any form of exercise activities, what do you think will happen to those calories you did not burn off?????

The energy from the foods people ingest cannot not be destroyed or made up. That food going somewhere in your body to be stored as fat?this is most leading up to people being obese.

I overcome my obesity and eating disorder continuing to keep weight off through energy balance ?Calories in and calories out!?

This really does work. My 4 year Post Op be next month. I have not gain any weight back. I eat in moderation and in smaller portions. I have a healthy lifestyle enjoying it abundantly each day. I am inspiring others who are struggling with obesity and helping them get control of their life back.

People chose medication Ozempic to lose weight. People chose the Weight Loss Surgery for better alternative to get back their life and improve his/her health.

We can overcome whatever obstacles or challenges in our lives. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


on 1/13/24 2:38 pm
Topic: RE: Count your Calories!!!!!

Hi Jmm4321,

lots of people have high metabolism so whatever he/she eats will be digested no weight gain. Unfortunately, lots of people metabolism is low so not high like yours Jmm4321. I am happy you can eat all the food you want. For lots of people it is unfortunately because of their age or other situations that hinder them to take a dump everytime he/she consumes a lots of food.

The foods you consume will become calories. If you do not do exercise activities your calories will be stored as fat in the adipose. Energy from food can not be destroyed or created. It going to be stored if you do not burn up the calories you intake daily on a daily basis.

Best wishes

on 1/13/24 2:25 pm
Topic: RE: Count your Calories!!!!!

Hi Sallyj,

Thanks for your input! It's Highly processed food is the causing for America to have the highest obesity rate in the world and the fast food chain foods are the reasons for unhealthy contents of fats, sodium, sugar filled with unhealthy ingredients you do not know about at fast foods as well as processed food. You should read the food labels to know what contents are not healthy for you to eat. Calories are not just counting numbers it is what you ingest from the food you put inside your body what cause the calories to convert to fat because you are not trying to do exercise activities to burn off the high calories you ingested all day long!!!

It is more than just the calories that matters. Importantly, how much energy input (food) you are consuming in calories on a day to day basis.


Someone ingest 2200 calories a day. It is the energy from the food they ingest is 2200 calories. This person not doing no sports activities to burn off those extra calories. What happens, energy from the food you ingested for that day and week just store up in the adipose. Eventually, that person begins to gain access amount of weight. Energy from food you ingested from your calories does not go away. It will be stored up as fatty tissue.

Energy cannot be destroyed are created. All that food you consume a day in calories certainly does matter for lots of people not trying to do exercise activities to burn off the calories.

Energy Imbalance:

Is the causing #1 for epidemic in obesity in today society....

I hope this was self explanatory for you to know!

Best Wishes,

on 1/8/24 3:25 pm
Topic: RE: Count your Calories!!!!!

Thank you Ros, I truly care compassionately reaching out to others this what I do.

Best wishes,


on 12/31/23 5:10 pm, edited 12/31/23 9:14 am
Topic: RE: Count your Calories!!!!!

Hi cpcampbell,

We are going to have holidays all year around. I continue to eat in moderation and small portion of food on my plate. You will be tempted with cravings for food you should not eat. Each day you will be tempted with food. You have to resist the temptation be mindful of the food around you.

February 6, 2024 will be my four years Post Op. I continue to have continuing success with not gaining any weight. I have met my overall weight loss goal last year. You have to stay fully committed and devoted in accomplishing your goals. You have to eat healthy and in moderation and count your calories intake making sure the calories you consume doing exercise activity equals to the calories you ingested. This could prevent you from gaining weight or having a setback?

I am an advocate for people battling obesity. I am a Spokesperson for a major hospital in California. I communicate with the Pre Op and Post Op patients every month for the group session.

I continue to motivate and uplift those helping guide them to overcome their struggles with obesity.

Happy Holidays

on 12/24/23 9:48 pm
Topic: RE: Count your Calories!!!!!

Hi MsNikki318,

Yes, continue eating the unsaturated fat with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated healthy fats. When you cook utilize Virgin Olive Oil it is healthier for you.

Keep a Food Journal because it helps you monitor what you eat and beverages you drink on a daily basis. You can keep a count of your calories intake as well.

Happy Holidays ?

on 11/28/23 4:20 am
Topic: RE: Count your Calories!!!!!

Hi Members,

It is always important to read the Nutritional Facts or Labels of all food and drinks before you ingest these food or beverages. People should count their calories they ingest daily to be sure they burn the calories out which is called (energy expenditure). What happens to lots of people they ingest more calories in a day than they burn off. What happens to the extra calories get stored in their adipose as (stored fat) this where weight gain begins. The Energy we ingest is (Food) actually are considered calories. If you not trying to burn those calories off after eating food, eventually weight gain will occur.

Saturated Fats stay away from as possible. Try focusing on eating food with Unsaturated Fats that is healthier for you. Food with high sodium and high sugar contents not healthy for you. Cook your food with virgin oil much better than butter. Your calories should be counted in all foods you are going to ingest and beverages you are going to drink daily. Calories you can burn off during the end of the day by exercising, walking, jogging, or riding a bike to burn off those calories from the food you have eaten today. If not, it will be stored as fat. Energy cannot not be destroy or made.

Count the calories in the daily foods you ingest and beverages you drink it is very essential!! Keep a "Food Journal" of the daily foods you ingest and beverages you drink. You will be able to log the calories in your "Food Journal" book. You will be surprise how much calories you consume a day... record the dates and time.

I truly care for others and helping others to a healthier journey in their lives.

Best wishes,

on 11/28/23 3:23 am
Topic: RE: Drinking Our Calories

Hi Manhattanite,

It is always import to read the Nutritional Facts or Labels of all food and drinks before you ingest these food or beverages. People should count their calories they ingest daily to be sure they burn the calories out which is called(energy expenditure). What happens to lots of people they ingest more calories a day than they burn off. What happens to the extra calories get stored in their adipose as (stored fat) this where weight gain begins. The Energy we ingest (food) actually are calories. If you not trying to burn those calories after eating food, eventually weight gain will occur.

Saturated Fats stay a way from. Try focusing on eating food with unsaturated Fats that is healthier for you. Food with high sodium, sugar contents not healthy for you. Cook your food with Virgin Oil better for you than butter.. Your calories should be counted in all foods you ingest and beverages you drink daily. Calories you can burn off during the end of the day by exercising, walking, or riding a bike to burn off the calories from the food you have eaten. If not, it will be store as fat. Energy cannot be destroy or made.

Count the calories in the food and beverages you ingest on a daily basis it is important!!!!

Best regards,

on 11/28/23 2:44 am, edited 11/27/23 6:46 pm
Topic: RE: have hard time to lose weight to qualify for weight loss surgery and was anybody at my having troubl

Hi Brookline Petrea,

You are not alone with this matter. We as advocates for people with obesity trying to get bills pass in helping people in your situation get the medical services and resources they need to improve their health. Have you tried looking into other insurance plans that might cover your weight loss surgery? Talk with your primary care doctor to see if she can provide a referral stating you need this weight loss surgery due to medical reason,,,,,I hope this help.

Meanwhile, try some water aerobic exercise it burns a lot of calories no pressure on your joints. For lots of people facing obesity it is difficulty for some of them to walk to get exercise because the excessive weight and pressure on their joints cannot tolerate the pain. You can invest in a Stationary Bike helps relieve tension in your legs and joints.. .

Pray about it to the Lord is the best answer. I wish you well on your weight loss surgery.

God bless

on 3/18/23 7:21 pm
Topic: RE: We Overcome Obesity, We Overcome Compulsive Eating, And Overcome Binge Eating Our Success Shines

Hi Bariatric Family,

Bariatric Surgery help saves lives. It is a way to help people who battling Obesity to regain their lives back and health... People are battling Obesity, Compulsive Eating, (Binge Eating Disorders) all of you are not alone who battling this. People should be more supportive and show empathy be very sympathetic toward others people.

I support, inspire, and motivate people in a positive way who are seeking help trying to overcome their battling Obesity and overcome battling Eating Disorder. I let them know they are not alone with this struggle!! I wish People would learn to be supportive instead of trying to condemn people who suffering eating disorders.

I am very sympathetic and respect others. Others should respect others regardless... If you are battling Obesity, battling Compulsive Eating or battling Binge Eating Disorder(s) now, Please, never never never let no one make you feel battling Compulsive Eating, Binge Eating(Food Addition) you should feel depressed or ashamed... It nothing to be ashamed of....We do not worry about opinions of others. We are too blessed too be stressed!!!!! We are continuing to support, uplift one another

We continue to thrive on our continuing Weight Loss Journey Success and we keep shinning bright reaching for the stars

on 3/18/23 5:43 pm
Topic: RE: Be Motivated Always! Do not Give Up!

Hi Bariatric Family,

I have been battling Obesity and battling Eating Disorder for over 10 years. I tried the Weight Management previous years before. I had a personal trainer, I was going to the gym, and I cut back on my calorie's intakes. Overall, I was able to lose 125 pounds. I was able to maintain and not regained the weight loss for 5 months the most. I was not able to lose any more weight I reached a Plateau!!! I spend more hours at the gym and ate food being mindful of calories intakes. I eventually, regained all 125 pounds I loss and regained additional over 100 pounds extra weight that I had to battle with ongoing.

I was wearing a Size 4X and 5X in jackets, a Size 5X to a Size 6X in pants, blouses, and clothes in general.. I always had to utilize an extension seat belt riding in the car, and this was my reason avoiding taking an airplane. I was almost 400 pounds. I decided to have the "Gastric Bypass Surgery" this surgery was the right fit for me because I needed to lose over 100 pounds. On February 6, 2020, I had the Gastric Bypass Surgery. I had no side effects and I did not have any complications. I followed my Bariatric Surgeon guidelines and per instructions very "Important." I had a License Dietitian they give us support and guidance what food to avoid after the Bariatric Surgery (Post Op). The Dietitian is there to continue to assist us on our weight loss journey success. It is "Important" to follow your License Dietitian guidelines per instructions too!!

My Weight Loss journey was a new amazingly transformation. I loss almost 180 pounds my 3 years Post Op was on February 6, 2023. I have not regained any weight back and continue to lose 2 pounds to 3 pounds a week. I wear a Size 12 in pants, a Size small in shirts (tops), a Size medium in skirts and dresses. My coats and jackets are a Size small/medium. I am enjoying each day abundantly of joyfulness and continuous great success on my weight loss journey success until this day. "By the amazing grace of God made it possible." I am always delighted to share my "True Testimony" to inspire and genuinely helping others to overcome their battling with Obesity and overcome their battling with Eating Disorder.

I continue to apply my Bariatric Surgeon guidelines and the License Dietitian I was receiving assistance from years ago their guidelines were always to eat in smaller portion and in moderation. I am very mindfully (aware) of healthy food to eat than food with high calories to not eat. I have adapted extremely well with my healthy eating patterns. I am delighted and continuing enjoying my amazingly new transformation every day! I keep my "Mindset" continuously motivated, discipline, fully committed, and strongly mindful is the key to not regain any weight back. This how you avoid weight gain and prevent setbacks!!!

I have a compassion for helping others in a positive way (that is what I do). We must continue to support and edify one another. If someone had a setback (regained weight) and need advice well, I support them how I am continuing to have weight loss success, then be supportive and give them guidance in helping them to reach their weight loss goals.

Our Weight Loss Journey is a Lifetime and a Lifetime Commitment for the rest of our lives. I would like to thank you kindly for taking the time to read my "True Testimony."



on 10/3/22 1:51 pm
Topic: RE: How Do You Deal With Boredom in a Non Food Related Way?

Hi SheryIh895,

Did you have a weight loss surgery? You have to stop eating your old habit trying to full a void. It will cause you to gain some of your weight back. Most obesity people are battling excessive eating like you said trying to feel a void. Starting today, I want you to begin with a strong positive mindset starting eating healthy foods this will become your new friends in eating healthy habits!!! I guarantee you will lose weight!

I was almost 400 pounds! I ate excessively and I knew I had to change my eating habits to a healthy eating habits! The old eating habits was putting on more pounds. I just started being motivated had a strong positive mindset just strictly being mindful of continuing to eat healthy new food and there is a lot of healthy new foods choices out there for you too eat!

I had a gastric bypass surgery in 2/06/2020 I discontinue the old eating habits which is not good for us this is what cause us to become obesity. I continue to remain motivated mindful of continuing to eat healthy foods in my daily routine. I keep a journal on all the foods intake! I continue to eat in smaller portions in moderation only each day. I loss 171 pounds. I was wearing 6X in clothes now I wear size 12 in clothes now.

Just stay motivated, have a strong positive mindset and be mindful of all that you eat! Just focus on eating the new healthy foods now this is our best friends now daily. The old eating habits were never our friends and we knew that but we continue to eat excessively.

People have to take control of their eating habit back and do not let food control you? Learn to eat in moderation, small portions, and being mindful of just focusing on eating healthy food this is our best new friend now! Well, hope this all help you a lot!!!

Wish you the best in your journal.

on 10/3/22 1:26 pm
Topic: RE: How Do You Deal With Boredom in a Non Food Related Way?

Hi have an answer for you! Yes! go get a pedicure, do some shopping, stop at Book and Nobles just relax look at some books. Sometimes, you can eat at an restaurant order something healthy sit and relax. Keep you a daily journey of your daily activities what food intakes you eat on a day to day basis!

you can began learning how to meditate for 20 minutes a day or join a physical gym in your area! I see you want to pull your self away from food!!!May I ask you a question? Did you have a weight loss surgery?

Just eat in smaller portions and in moderation each day take one day at a time. Blueberries ? helps me crave my appetite and makes me get full faster! and I eat few strawberries ð?". I drink fruit smoothies just include organic fruits less sugar. If you drink juice just dilute i****er. I drink protein Equate protein drinks 60 grams a day.

Bake chicken, steam vegetables, salad ð?¥-- is light meal eat in small portions. keep you some organic almonds and sunflower seeds without the shells. You can have turkey jerky another source of protein.

Do not think of food all day. Then you want to indulge in eating food. You need to start a gym, swimming, it is really good to meditate and keep a long book of your activities so you will know what area you need to work on the most. I hope this help... Best of wishes you can do this!!!!

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