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Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

Well to start I haven't always been over weight,I was always a very fit and healthy woman working out everyday I ran track the whole nine yards. My weight problems for me began 13 yrs ago when I first got married.. I wasn't really happy bout the thought of marriage and to a Muslim at that but I knew I need a better life for my 2 girls and he loved me and them. I married my husband only after knowing him 2 months and I was only 19 and he was 38, he was perfect in every way , he was everything I ever anted in a man including older than me, We anyways married 2 kid at the age of 19 was stressful to top it off he was 38 no kids , so that meant more kids for me loll... Well stressful marriage 6 kids later , diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, 4 herniated disk in my back and displacement of my spine n my neck, 369 pounds from my beautiful 180 pounds. My body had to adjust to big babies hes 7ft 2in 298 pounds and all 4 of his babies were 10 pounds no less than 8, so my beautiful figure gone depressed alone I began to turn to food junk food , fast food any food if I wasn't allergic I ate it. In and out the hospital 12 times a month with 3 weeks stays long each visit.. ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH.... My doctor told me I wouldn't live to see my babies graduate.. And even tho my husband was against it he supported me in this.

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

The worst thing to me was 1. Not being able to pay with my kids outside , after school because I home school my kids after cooking dinner I was pretty much done for the day . 2. Having to look at my thin sisters everyday missing thee attention I got from males and females Even tho no one showed or said it I could feel the eyes and disappointment from every1 including my husband . 3. Having to take 15 pills 3 times a day ... 6 to 8 shots of insulin everyday on a good day. 4. Having to spend days and weeks in the hospital not knowing if I was go make it. 5. The lost of me and my husbands first child twin. Being over weight cause me to go into a depressed state were i started drinking and smoking making my heath worst. I started to find things and ways to fight about with my husband. I still don't understand why he stayed after all I put him thru. I basically went down a spiraling hill trying to find ways to end my life.ENOUGH IS ENOUGH...

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

I HAD MY SURGERY SEPT 6 2011, it was one of the happiest days of my life. My starting weight was 364 pounds after the 8 months of council for insurance purposes I went down to 297. As of today July 4 ,2012, I weigh 179 pounds thank you (Allah) and thank you Dr Peter Lalor. i am now able to walk 6 miles a day , play , run, jump, skate , ride horses and my all time favorite MOTORCYCLE RIDING, my MARRIAGE IS BACK ON TRACK YES HE STOOD BY ME THE WHOLE TIME WITH A MY UPS AND DOWNS. I'm NO LONGER able to have children but I was blessed with 6 so I'm happy. i have my beautiful figure back. I don't have the hanging skin most surgery patients have after the drastic weight lost i had.. I still have a long way to go in fixing the problems I had with the weight , I have a few more major surgeries to go on my neck an back to repair all the damage of the obesity. Oh and because I accepted Islam , I am now able to make my 5 daily prayers without having to sit all the way thru them... I'm not go sit here and tell y'all everything is all fine and dandy cause that would be a lie, This has been 1 of the most painful decision i have made and on many days I regret i had the surgery but I realize with every step there will be an obstacle. I have very good days and I have very hard days but I fight thru them with the love and support of my family who also changed their eating habits to fit mines... I cook at home everyday and if we have an family outing they always include me no matter what . They changed with me inside of just walking beside me they walk with me...THE LOVE OF MY FAMILY GUIDED ME THRU.... I will continue to have struggles and pains but I will always KEEP MOVING FORWARD!!!! I NOW GET TO WATCH MY 18 YR OLD GET MARRIED IN DECEMBER ... When my doctors said i wouldn't lie to see her turn 18.. I MADE IT!!!!

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