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Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

Before fifth grade I was always a decent bodied girl. Then the summer before 5th and 6th grade came along. The summer of my mom's divorce from her second husband... the one that threatened to kill us. My mom made us stay locked in the house all summer, trying to protect us. That is the summer that I gained 50 pounds! All there was to do was eat and watch T.V while my mother worked. Since then I have been overweight, no matter how many times I have tried to lose it. I have not weighed less than 216 pounds since I was 16. I currently weigh 383 pounds. I never really understood why I could not lose weight, why I never seemed to get smaller no matter what I did. I did not have a huge problem with food, with the exception for that summer. I walked a lot, I ate three times a day, sometimes over indulging, but who didn't? IN 2007 I went on the Allie Diet and started taking Phentermine and walking 1 1/2 miles a day... and I lost 70 pounds... 320 to 250. And I was miserable. I was hungry. I was depressed. It hurts that people would not look at me or acknowledge me, even though I lost so much weight. I moved from New Mexico to Ohio in Feb. of 2008. IN 2009 I got hurt and was not able to get around much. I kept gaining and gaining with no real explanation of why. Then a visit to the doctor... BAD NEWS! Diabetic, Arthritis, Asthma, Diabetes Type 2, amount any other things. It was not until my doctor sent me to the gynecologist that I found out I had PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome), All was finally explained. This was the ultimate life changer for me. I started to seek Bariatric Surgery actively... and the path has been tough. After having been turned down by two of the top hospitals in Ohio, I finally found another great hospital and I passed all their tests. I think the being fat part was what affected almost every aspect of my life. It has made me humble and embarrassed, feel worthless and ashamed. THis is all about to change. June 25th 2012 is my surgery date.

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

NOt being able to tie my shoes. Just kidding. That is what I tell people when they ask just to keep the conversation light. Actually the VERY worst thing is that my 13 year old daughter had had to help me to wipe my rear end and front clean after using the restroom. I can't reach. That and the incontinence. Those are the two worst things.

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

I have not had my surgery yet. It is scheduled for June 25th 2012.... 2 weeks and 3 days to go from this post.

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