Filling Out Dr Papers with Past weight lose attemps do i tell the whole truth

Hello my question is im filling out the paper work for my Dr. to become approved and they asked in the papers what measures have i used to lose weight and did it work well i used slim fast 2 years ago and lost 190 pounds should i admit this?? well they tell me no i cant have the WLS cuz i can lose weight myself on my own or do i tell the truth im so confused can someone please help me im so nervous filling out these forms..    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on January 30, 2001)

January 30, 2001
What your insurer wants to hear is that you've made attempts to lose weight in the past and that none of them were successful. WLS is a serious and expensive option, and one of last resort. The people who are paying for it want to make sure you've already made other bona fide attempts in the past which were unsuccessful; phen/fen, eskatrol, meridia, Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig, WeightWatchers, TOPS, Atkins diet, Pritikin Diet, Macro-biotic Diet, colon therapy, liquid protein diet (remember cherry?), HCG injections, etc. <Everyone here knows the litany. Sigh.>
   — [Anonymous]

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