I am a pre-op and find that I sleep too much. Anyone else have/had this problem?

I feel like I am close to being comatose. I can outsleep anyone I know!!! I spend more time sleeping than I am awake...this is not good!! My partner is worried about me...anyone else out there had this problem pre-op?    — Jennifer H. (posted on May 31, 2001)

May 31, 2001
I sure do. My sleep schedule is really out of whack because on days that I dont have school I stay up really late and sleep in really late, then preceed to take several naps that day. I am pre-op and I notice the one thing that helps me to sleep less is GETTING OUT OF THE HOUSE! If im not here, im not tired! But If I am here, you can bet im going to be napping! So, until my surgery im just trying to keep busy to stay awake!
   — blank first name B.

May 31, 2001
I too was sleeping about 16 hour days...I would wake up after a 9 hour sleep, take my kids to school and then come home and go back to sleep until 2pm! I was diagnosed as depressed and I didn't feel depressed until after I had been taking my Prozac for about a month...then I realized that I had been depressed for a long time. The good part is that the medication works, there's nothing really wrong with you (or me), and it's OK to ask for help--we're going through a major life-change--we might get depressed about it! Good luck to you! If you need to email someone...feel free to email me. *Hugs* Pre-Op-Surgery Date 8/13/01
   — sandieguy

May 31, 2001
Jennifer, I am pre-op also. I have 12 days to go until surgery and have worried about the same thing. I have not worked since December and I think a lot of it has to do with boredom, my case anyway. Even when I do get a ton of sleep I am yawning all day and have no motivation for anything. I have been encouraged that this will change after some weight loss.
   — Mandy M.

May 31, 2001
Jennifer: You are not alone. Pre-op I worked, came home, ate and went to bed. Sometimes as early as 6:00 pm. On the weekends, sometimes I didn't get out of bed at all! I am 6 months post-op now and don't even take naps much any more. My energy level is so much better now after losing 103 pounds. I still have a long way to go, but already feel like a new person. Good luck.
   — Lynn T.

May 31, 2001
Has your sleep apnea been diagnosed as yet? I was "sleping" (and I use the term loosely) about 20 out of 24 hours pre-op. Was never rested, fell asleep if I sat still. Life was MISERABLE. Got the apnea diagnosed, got my CPAP and it became my best friend in maybe 4 hours! Used it for 2 years, through insurance battles, through the wt loss. It's been lovingly tucked away in the garage once I lost the wt and the apnea vanished. But I'll never forget the marvelous rest it gave me while I was so very ill.
   — vitalady

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