I go for my psych evalution the 26th anything I should be worried about?

   — vickie C. (posted on July 13, 2000)

July 14, 2000
Try not to twitch and drool so much:)
   — kim C.

July 14, 2000
You'll be fine. Just have your diet list ready, remember what you ate the day before (all day). Don't get upset if the Psych tries to talk you out of the surgery a little. Most of them don't agree with it anymore than alot of Md's. I had a really good one, but she thinks eating normal and doing Yoga can change your life. She probably has never been more than 20 pounds overweight in her life so I understand. I feel sympathy for the slim people who go through their lives with the ignorance they do about fat people. They'll never understand but they will never have the depth of feeling that most obese people learn to have. Just try and relax and be yourself and try not to get into too many issues. We Do all have some and they sometimes try and push the buttons. Don't let that be part of your exam, you don't want them to put down that coming back would be part of your requirement for surgery or it will put it off. Good luck, mine went fine and I'm waiting for insurance approval as we speak.
   — Bryytteyes

July 14, 2000
I think there are some helpful things to know before you go for your psych eval. My pea-brain always thinks that since you're seeing a doctor, that he or she automatically wants to help you...well, not necessarily. They are there to do a job, to screen you for surgical candidacy. They're not really interested in who you are or what really makes you tick. They want to be sure you don't have any mental illness, no serious depression now or in the past, and for god's sake...don't be honest and tell them if you have had these experiences. They are also looking for things - any things - that would wave a red flag so the psychologist and the surgeon have their butts covered in case you have post-surgical depression or other psychological problems. I promise you, it is just an exercise, it's just another hoop to jump through...and you need to look before you leap. I was a bit on the too-honest side, having experienced some mild depression in the long-distant past due to my unhappiness with my weight, and now my surgery is postponed while I "get better." Go figure.
   — [Anonymous]

July 14, 2000
Most likely, your psych eval will be a breeze. Mine was. But, I thought I'd warn you that lots of psychologists have a bad opinion about internet groups like this one. They seem to think that associating with people online is a poor substitute for "real-life" friendships, and that we are isolating ourselves and being reclusive when we spend time online. So, if the psych asks you about your support network, and how you are going to deal with the psychological after-effects of WLS, don't emphasize the roll of this site or other WLS online groups that you belong to. I have gotten the best information and support here, but my psych wanted to hear about the "real people" in my life who were supporting my WLS.
   — Lynn K.

July 15, 2000
The test I had to take was very long and totally irrelevent. It didn't apply to morbidly obese people at all. It dealth with alot of physical issues like, "I have alot of headaches" and I had to answer true or false. At the time I took the test I did have alot of headaches because I was having alot of sinus problems which causes me major headaches, so I would answer the question "true." And it also asked about my energy level...well, at almost 400 lbs is it any wonder I had a very low energy level??? Anyway, because of my honest answers it was decided that I was depressed and had to go on anti-depressant medication for a while. I felt like I was in a bad dream. A computer scores the test and decides if you have any psychological problems with no consideration for other physical problems that could be causing headches, stomach aches, fatigue, etc. It is assumed that these things are caused by stress and depression. I hope I'm not scaring you, I just want you to keep in mind what their objective is when you answer your questions, take your tests, etc. Also keep in mind that nobody is super happy and super energetic all the time either...those things send up a red flag too.
   — Kellie L.

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