What type of complications can happen from surgery if sugar 200+

My surgeon called today and said my blood tests showed my blood sugar was 226. He won't do my surgery if it is over 200. I was wondering why this would matter and what would happen if the surgery was done! I'm scheduled for Thursday, July 22 and have 3 days to get it under 200! Thanks for any answers!    — VickyTaylor (posted on July 19, 1999)

July 19, 1999
Victoria, walk, walk, walk. This will help keep your blood sugars down. The higher your blood sugars are, the more likely it will be for you to develop some type of infection. I had 2 major abcesses, and believe me, you want to avoid these as much as possible! Good luck to you.
   — Jane H.

July 20, 1999
My blood sugars had been running very good until about three days before my surgery! I called my regular doctor and she adjusted my insulin up a little. I also walked a lot! The morning of surgery, my blood sugar was 214! My surgeon assured me that it was most likely stress-related (considering my past good sugar-levels) and was no cause for concern. I 6 days post-op and sugar levels are excellent. I had no problems and no signs of infections.
   — Jodie S.

July 20, 1999
A blood sugar count that high could be a sign of Diabetes 2. You blood sugar should be regulated before any surgery.
   — [Anonymous]

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