What do you do when you have those uncontrollable urges to

continue eating? When you have had the OVERWHELMING DESIRE (and I do mean "OVERWHLEMING") to overeat or if your still seem real hungry; how has "Pouch Rules..." helped bring you back to reality? Thanks for answering!    — yourdivaness (posted on February 1, 2004)

February 1, 2004
i think like this you never know when that last bit is going to make you sick so i stop before i get that feeling for sure. almost 8monts out down 98pds.and doing great nancy adkins
   — nancy A.

February 1, 2004
You mean volume at one meal? Or grazing? I'm not a grazer, never was, so that's not an issue for me, personally. BUt I always was a volume eater. I don't use the pouch rules much, and do not agree with all of them. I frequently drink a protein drink before meals to blunt my appetite. It turns off the Wanna Switch, as well as putting a lil substance on board. Since volume is an issue, I want to start the process of being "satisfied" (vs full) before I eat. Takes awhile for me to get the msg. During my first year or so, though, I measured my meals by volume. Or did I totally miss the point of the question?
   — vitalady

February 2, 2004
Like Michelle, I was never a grazer but have always been a volume eater. Just to be sure I don't get the urge to overeat (IT HURTS!!), I drink a protein drink just prior to every meal. That really takes the edge off and I get that full feeling very quickly. Also, when I have something that is particularly great tasting, I concentrate on eating VERY slowly so that I don't suddenly find my food is all gone and I'm still wanting more. So far, it's worked. Four months out and down 52 pounds. Combined with the 40 I lost before surgery, I'm almost at the century mark! Only 42 pounds away from goal and the first time in my life I've been this close to being normal.
   —  SCbabe B.

February 2, 2004
Hadiyah, you always have the most thought provoking questions on here! Things that cause us to ponder and think hmmmm...! One thing I do is try never to get hungry or to get overly hungry and thats why I eat small amounts every 2-3 hours or try to anyways. I find if I let myself get too hungry I make bad choices and seem to have more control if I'm just a little hungry. Have you asked why are you overwhelming hungry when you feel that way? Is it stress or that you've eaten too many carbs that day? I know if I start out with a carb breakfast (bagel instead of eggs) I am hungry again in no time. Not good. Something else you can also try is water loading when that overwhelming urge to overeat hits you. Drink an 8oz glass of water fast. If still hungry drink a second glass fast. I'm told that it works to kill all hunger. And finally, place a picture of your pre-op self right smack dead center of that fridge. That visual ought to help!
   — Cindy R.

February 2, 2004
I don't know about drinking water fast, I was advised to never drink water fast even prior to surgery - I still sip -Now that I can eat a bit more real foods 2 months since WLS - I had to plan my eating times - I have no or very little carbs after a specific time on my work days - have not had bread since surgery, or any type of cake, cookies or flour made food. If I feel the hungur urge (which is mostly mentally) I keep turkey cold cuts, pickles, olives, cheese chunks, and other low calorie meats in the fridge - usually I want more than I can eat. Then I wait 30-40 finish off the water with a dash of lemon or whatever favorite flavor you might like. We need to learn this long-term so might as well get it over with - I'm hoping it will work for me.
   — Anna M.

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