Too much??

I am scheduled for abdominoplasty and a breast lift/reduction in 4 days!!! While I am very excited and grateful that insurance is paying (at 95%!!), I am TERRIFIED that the surgeon will "take too much off the top". I have always been at least a double d, as long as I can recall. Now he is talking a C!! True, I DO want "perkiness", I'm just petrified that they will be little left to 'Perk". Am I looney?    — chippywah (posted on December 19, 2003)

December 19, 2003
I had both back in March and am thrilled with my breast. I wa a dd long and now am a C cup and the only time I wear a bra is when I am dressed up or going somewhere other than the store or shopping. Want a little more get a wonder bra or a padded one its great to have a choice how you want your breast to look except BIG and SAGGY. The belly too wear it fitted and show it off or wear baggy just cuz you feel like it, not to hide anything. I had a minifreak ( is that a word) at how small the breast were at first but soon got used to it. Best wishes to you, Lesley
   — Lesley T.

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