Has anyone experienced severe bradycardia (slow heart rate) during a lap RNY?

I was under anesthesia and my doctor had just started my lap RNY when my heart rate dropped to only 3 beats per minute. They gave me a dose of atropine which corrected the problem but they terminated the procedure and sent me to ICU. Extensive testing did not reveal any cardiac problem. I was told that it was most likely the result of a vagal vagus nerve reaction due to positioning and/or introduction of the carbon dioxide into my abdomen for the lap procedure. My doctor said he can still do the lap RNY but I will have to have a temporary pacemaker inserted before the surgery as a precaution. Has anyone had a similar experience or know anything about having a vagal vagus nerve reaction? Also, has anyone had a temporary pacemaker? Thanks.    — etaylor58 (posted on August 1, 2003)

August 1, 2003
I have not had problems with Brd=adycardia, but I have had lots of fun (said with sarcasm) with Vaso Vagal Synascope. I am not sure if that's what you were referring to. Heart rate drops and you pass out> If you know what to look for when an attack is coming on, you can lay down and get your head eaither level with or below the rest of your body. That nerve runs very close to stomach. That nerve controls alot!!
   — M B.

November 15, 2006
I have a problem with my Heart Rate... It will "NOT" go any higher then 50 BPM OhioTexas ([email protected])
   — OhioTexan

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