Since weight lost and surgery have you had more back/ leg pain?

Since weight lost and surgery have you had more back/leg pain? Im 4 1/2 wks post op and this past week down 40 lbs I have been having excruciating lower back,hip,knee and ankle pains...More so than pre~op!I do have fibromalgia, arthritis,and bad joints but this pain is more severe.Does it ease up and about how long for relief? About how many pounds off till it gets better?    — Vicki R. (posted on July 9, 2003)

July 8, 2003
I started having back pain about one month post-op. I started going to the chiropractor, and I'm just now finishing up. Maybe a loss of weight changed the way your bones are stressed?
   — raye

July 8, 2003
Vicki, I struggle with this issue, too. I have Arthritis as well as Degenerative Disc Disease. The Arthritis improved significantly, but it is still there. The pain related to the DDD is as bad or worse than ever. -Lori RNY-P 06/02 314/182
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 9, 2003
I'm with Raye on this one. As the weight comes off, the stress points can change some. I found it very helpful to see the chiropractor, my pain was mostly mid to upper back (my ribs were popping out of place as my rib cage was shifting). My boss on the otherhand had pain in her lower back going into her legs (sciatic nerve) and he worked on that area for her. We are both now on an as needed basis, and things are much much less painful now. The weight is coming off much faster than it went on and the body can only absorb so much on it's own and then needs help. Go check out a chiropractor, most insurance companies pay for the visits. Good luck!!
   — Dana B.

July 9, 2003
My pain has diminished significantly since the first few weeks. I had bad arthritis in both knees (with torn ligaments in my right knee), very painful heel spurs in both feet that would wake me and arthritis in my back and hips that hobbled me. I haven't had to ice my knees in 8 months and haven't felt heel spur pain in the same time. Good luck!
   — SteveColarossi

July 9, 2003
Yes! I'm a little over one week post-op and I'm having bad sciatica. My buttocks ache, too. (I know that sounds weird, but it's true.) Sitting on pillows and changing positions often helps some.
   — Liz R.

July 9, 2003
Muine lasted about a yer then finally went away. It takes time for our bodies to adjust to the big loss. Your PCP can give you things to help sand I hear exercise can help too.
   — bob-haller

July 9, 2003
I weighed close to 400 lbs before my RNY on 4/15/02, and I had a helluva time getting exercise because my knees were so painful. My dh's PCP recommended he take 1500 ml of glucosamine per day for his arthritis, so I started taking it, too, as part of my pre-op routine of vitamins & supplements. After about 3 months, I really noticed a difference in my knees--much less pain, much easier to walk & go to Curves. After my surgery, when I wasn't taking the glucosamine for a couple of weeks, I noticed my knees were starting to bother me, so I asked my surgeon if I could start up again. He said it was fine, so I've been taking it daily ever since, and my knees feel fine (of course, it helps that I've lost 68 lbs!). There have been a few reputable studies that indicate that glucosamine helps relieve arthritis, so it's not just some snake-oil remedy. Ask your doctor if it might help you. I swear by the stuff!
   — Maggie T.

July 9, 2003
Thanks everyone for your input! I really appreciate it! My family has said Im walking differant more straight and quicker.My doc also said to try aqua arobics about 2-3 months out so I dont damage my joints more and to be able to participate easier but gosh is it hard...Thanks for the advice!
   — Vicki R.

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