Help me not eat due to depression

Does anyone have a suggestion when it comes to depression & falling back into old eating habits because of this depression? I am 2 years post op & started to gain weight due to a severe bout of depression onset by many things. I am finding it very difficult to not eat the things that I know I should not eat. PLEASE HELP ME!    — Sonja F. (posted on June 12, 2003)

June 12, 2003
Get a good psychiatrist. Clinical depression is treatable. As long as you recognize that's what it is and quit trying to cure yourself of something that is a chemical imbalance.
   — Kimberly L.

June 12, 2003
I agree- depression is very treatable. Get on some medication and if you can afford it, go to a counselor. But get some help.
   — Patty_Butler

June 12, 2003
Change your lifesyle! It's not all about the food. It took me a long time to realize that. Come up with something that you have to do everytime you are going to put something into your mouth to make you feel better. If you open the fridge you have to walk around the block something like that or you have to do 20 sit ups. Don't let yourself fall into the old habits. See someone for help, but make sure it is someone experienced with post op patients and that get's it.
   — Linda A.

June 12, 2003
medication. celexa works wonders for me... been using it now for 1 year with no side effects and I am more normal. My DH loves me more now too :o)
   — heather S.

June 12, 2003
Boy do I know about DEPRESSION! I agree with the other posters.... get some HELP or some medicines. I take celexa and have been taking it for years and years. It keeps me able to "handle" my depression. I eat a lot when I am down too. Food is so consoling... but then afterwards you feel GUILTY and SICK because you did overeat... plus you gain weight. You have to get over food like you get over other "addictive" things in your life. The Food Addiction is only adding "insult" to your already "injured self" (depression).
   — Eleanore Davis

June 13, 2003
Sonja, do you have a support group you can lean on during these times? Like Alcholics Anonymous, you need to find a WLS buddy who would be willing to "talk you down" when you get depressed and feel the urge to eat. I agree with the others who suggest medications (they really do work!) and counseling if you can afford it. You don't have to do this alone but only you can make the changes necessary to find other outlets in dealing with depression. Life throws funny things our way, and often times we have no control over these stressful events or when they occur-the only control we do have is what we do to handle our response.
   — Cindy R.

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