What eased your aches&pains during no aspirin allowed pre-op?

How in the world have any of you been able to manage your pre~op time with no pain killers or anti inflamitory med's(containing aspirin)? I have severe arthritis,degenerative joint desease in both knees and on top of all that fibromalgia. I have been almost 2 wks with no meds other than my Tylenol,anti depressant,hypertension meds and it isnt helping at all! I can barely walk! How in the world will I be able to RIGHT AFTER SURGERY? What all have you all tried to ease the pain and stiffness before hand? My surgery is on this Friday? Any suggestions anyone?    — Vicki R. (posted on June 2, 2003)

June 2, 2003
I have Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoathritis and Fibromyalgia. In addition to tylenol my rheumatologist gave me a low dose of prednisone to control my pain pre-op. He was in constant consult with my surgeon regarding dosages. They felt the small dose risks were out weighed by keeping me mobile so I could get out of bed following the surgery.
   — Linda 1.

June 2, 2003
I have fibromyalgia and I take soma and surgery is in 6 days and my surgeon said to stop the soma but that I could still take the vicodin for pain.Since emotional or physical stress can aggravate fibromyalgia I've also been taking a low dose of valium.It's helping with my stress and pain level while waiting for my surgery date.
   — jennifer A.

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