How are other African Americans treating you now that you've

had WLS?    — yourdivaness (posted on February 28, 2003)

February 28, 2003
I dont think that there treating me diffent. A lot of people ask how I lost so much weight I just told my family and close friends about wls. But I have lost of friends that have had the diffent types of wls and there treat the same. More african americans are learn more about wls and that help them accept it.
   — maxine84

February 28, 2003
well i haven't had the surgery yet (3/6) but i told everyone and some people were all against it. they are not educated about the wls they only know what they hear on the tv. a friend mine told me tonight not to do it i wonder should i now. he made me feel real insecure tonight so some people are all for it and some are just plain JEALOUS because they know you are going to look good in a matter of months.kesha

February 28, 2003
Most people at work don't know because I chose not to tell them. At church I've told several people and all comments were very positive. I have received lots of comments on how well I look, but even without the compliments I pat myself on the back daily because WLS was MY decision. If anyone would have a negative opinion I could care less anyway. This is my body!!!!!
   — Mary H.

February 28, 2003
Almost everyone was against WLS before I actually had it, but now that they see the results, they have totally changed their tune. There are still a few people who have negative things to say about it, but all of these people are morbidly obese themselves. I have gotten the most support and positive feedback from people who are already at a healthy weight. I look and feel better, and I am much healthier. THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS IS THAT I MADE THE BEST DECISION FOR MYSELF. Please do the same.
   — Katrina S.

February 28, 2003
I am sorry. I did not realize that you had already undergone WLS. I am sure you already know more than I do that you made a great decision.
   — Katrina S.

February 28, 2003
I haven't had the surgery yet but I am already getting negative comments from those around me. I'm being asked if I am doing it for the right reasons, don't I want to try another diet, will this somehow make me feel better about myself.... I try to brush it off but it still hurts because these comments are coming from family. Everyone at work seems to be happy for me. I'm sure once all is done, that will just open up the flood gates on the negative things people have to say. Oh well, I am doing this to improve my life and my children's lives. I have their support and that is all that really matters.

February 28, 2003
I haven't had WLS yet, but I have subscribed to OSSG-Black on Yahoo chat. They are very friendly and supportive there. check it out! Here's the link:
   — Robin J.

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