Can I take my lap-top into my hospital room?

Just curious if anyone (or everyone) takes their laptop into the hospital with them. I figure that if I have a phone line, then I should be able to access my email, the net, etc............ but I was just wondering if any has ever heard about hospital restrictions on computer usage.    — Karen K. (posted on September 26, 2002)

September 26, 2002
Take it from a die-hard workaholic who is forever on her laptop...leave it home! You will NOT feel like doing anything while in the hospital. Not to mention, you will be so dopey from the meds that someone could come in and take it and you may not even realize until its too late. I know of someone who had this happen to her when she was in the hospital giving birth. It's not worth the risk. Take this time for yourself and rest, rest, rest. Just my 2 cents worth...
   — pam29922

September 26, 2002
Hi. I had lap rny in another state & was in the hospital for 6 days. I took my laptop with me to keep from being too bored. I began using it the second night after surgery. The nurse even helped me hook it up to the phone line. I guess it depends on the hospital and how you are feeling after surgery.
   — Carolyn W.

September 26, 2002
I did, it was great.
   — Vicki L.

September 27, 2002
Sounds like a wonderful idea, but unless you have some way of chaining it to your bed I would'nt. It's to exspensive of a commodity. There's a good chance you will wake up without some time.
   — Danmark

September 30, 2002
Yep. Unfortunately, I could not even pull myself away from work long enough to be in the hospital! Although, I really wanted the laptop there just to update people that I made it to the other side!
   — emilyfink

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