Cardioloy Screening- How is it done?

What all is involed in a cardiac sreening and clearance? Do they put you on the treadmill or do they have a weight limit and use a drug for severly obese people?    — Vicki R. (posted on September 10, 2002)

September 11, 2002
Hi. For my cardiology screening, I met with a Cardiologist who went over my health history, including blood relations. He told me that he wasn't crazy about the drasticness of the surgery and that exercise and diet should do the trick BUT that if I was sure, things looked good and he would sign the approval. He then took my blood pressure and listened to my heart. Unfortunately he heard an abnormal heartbeat, which actually runs in my family. This leading to an echocardiagram, which is like a sonogram of the heart...very painless. The irregular heartbeat was confirmed by this and a stress test was then ordered. It was determined that I had PVC's and that was "normal" for me. The surgery was approved. Hopefully, you won't have to go thru all of this but it was good to know I had clearance first! Good Luck to you!
   — Leah H.

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