i don't want to whine but..........

my surgery is in 21 days and i'm sooooo nervous!! iam having a hard time sleeping; by the time i do fall asleep i seem to dream all night long. i wake up feeling exhausted! i'm so happy to be doing this and i know that it will change my life. i have lived my life a certain way for so long and i keep wondering what life will be like on the other side. i know i need to calm down but i'm a bundle of nerves! has anyone else felt like this right before surgery? i don't feel like my family understands enough to help me. my "outer shell" has been like a protective coating and i have to wonder what life feels like without that shield. am i crazy?    — nikki R. (posted on July 9, 2002)

July 9, 2002
Hey Nikki! My surgery is a week from today and nervous is not the word for it!!! LOL I am excited and very ready for it but I also wonder what life will be like on the other side. I am kinda scared of what the pain might be like but I don't care anymore! Believe me, the closer your day gets, the more you just want to "get it over with already!!" Best wishes to you and try to stay calm-- I know, easier said than done, huh? LOL You will be in my thoughts & prayers... Take care, ~Jodi~
   — imjomama365

July 9, 2002
Hi Nikki,How are you?Girl I was doing thru the same thing as you.My mom wasn't very supportive of me having the procedure either she was the first one I talked to about and she didn't understand she don't know that I had it done I pulled it off so good cause she lives in a different state when she see me she'll figure it out.I had mine done on June 17th and I'm having mixed emotions now than before my friend girl say i just feel like this now and will feel different once I see the weight come off.Just try not to get so worked up over it the most stressfull part is being new post-op no matter how much you read and its good to talk to other people but it still not just a walk in the park.Good Luck!!!!!
   — BOBBIE R.

July 9, 2002
I am scared too. I am excited. I am overwhelmed with emotions and what if's...I have a 2 year old and I don't want to leave him without a momma...but that's another whole stroy...I just pray for the best...give it to a higher power...
   — MF

July 9, 2002
Don't worry, it is normal to worry. Did I really say that? If you plan to follow all of the Dr.'s instructions post op you will pull through fine without complications. I was so busy pre op taking care of my kids, but the whole time I was obcessed with thoughts of surgery. Good luck to you. You will do great.
   — eahutchins

July 9, 2002
You will do great. I am ~18 mos post op and at goal. Life on the "other side" is so wonderful - you will feel fantastic - you will approach food like a normal person now. You can shop, play, laugh, run, jump, LIVE. It is not a protective coating, but a wall to keep you from your life. Enjoy the process. Sleep, knowing you will feel healthy, and be healthy. God Bless You for being so brave. Teresa
   — T G.

July 9, 2002
I'm pre-op too. My surgery is August 26. I'm very open about it, and everyone keeps asking me how many days. I just tell them August 26. If I think of how many days, I will get very nervous. When it hits me that it is next month, I just make myself skip ahead to what life will be like on the "losing side", and how wonderful it will be. It will be the start of my new life. Hang in there. It'll be over before you know it and you will be so happy. I'll keep you in my thoughts.
   — Kathy M.

July 9, 2002
Nikki...I am 14 weeks post op. I have lost 94lbs! I have done everything by the book. I was very nervous before and the first couple of weeks after my surgery. Like others have said when you start seeing the results of this wonderful surgery and you gain your life back all nerves will be calmed. I tried not to think so much about the surgery and tried to plan how I was going to chance my life. I started exercising after 6 weeks post op. I can not express how wonderful the surgery is and what it does for you after you recover. The results are great!!!! I am actually really living my life and not just breathing. I am sure you will be just fine without your outer shell. I would say my outer shell is better than ever, and the way you are feeling now is a small price to pay for the results in the end. Keep you chin up and be comfortable with what you are doing. You will still be the same person inside, may be a better person, because it makes you feel so GOOD. I have faith that everything will go as good for you as it has for me. Good luck with everything.
   — Christy B.

July 9, 2002
Think of it like this girlfriend: 1. Eat now and enjoy it because you will be giving up a lot of foods you love as soon as your surgery is complete. 2. Once you are done with the surgery your weight loss will be slow enough that you will have a chance to adjust to it. 3. Like one of the other posters said, this is not a shell you are wearing. This is a prison. I do not feel like for one moment that my body is an image of who I really am. I am somewhere inside of me hidden behind all the lard. I have such a wonderful personality that it does not match my bod. It will be so great to finally do what my mind wants to do and not have my body yelling at me to sit down and eat. lol 4. Your surgery date is really soon. Use this time as a motivator to get going on your exercise, protein and vitamins. Drink lots of water. Eat what you want but exercise daily. Get those legs in shape and do some tummy exercises to help with the incision healing. I know you are so consumed with the surgery, I am too. I luckily have 4 daughters to keep me going. I just focus on what I have to do and keep my mind on the housework, my appointments, my kids, my friends, and I only bring up my surgery when I need to. Try a relaxation thing before bed at night. Nice cup of hot tea....then sit on the couch or chair with everything off except a pretty smelling candle and light music. Trust me on this...Close your eyes and focus on every muscle in your body starting with your feet working your way to your face. Tense the toes for 10 sec. then relax them slowly. Then your foot, cankle (haha), calves, thighs, butt, and so on. Don't forget to take slow deap breaths. In the nose out the mouth. When you are done...thank the Lord for the life he gave you, and that he has givin you the opportunity to have this surgery. There are sooooooo many people out there who not only don't even know about the surgery but have absolutely no means to get it. NO money, no insurance, and simply don't have the opportunity. You are very fortunate that you can do this....we all are. Thank God, focus on your family, focus on your health to prepare for your big day, and enjoy all your favorite foods! joy to you. You sound like a wonderful and special person. You will love being able to be YOU and not just another fat person existing in this world. Michelle Take care..... Michelle
   — Michelle J.

July 9, 2002
I'm going thru the same thing! I have 12 days and a wake up to go and my dreams become more and more vivid with each nights sleep I (don't) get *haha*. I am evening talking - er umm rather, am shouting out in my sleep! You could ask your doc for some sleeping pills - I hear they help. I haven't because I just don't need more pills in my life right now :>) But it MAY help you! Good luck to you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 9, 2002
Good answer Michelle :) Our thoughts run along the same lines. Nikki, one more thing I did was ask God to give me peace and hold my hand along the way (I closed my eyes and could see my little hand in His big one, something I have done since I was a child). I couldn't have done it without Him! Hugs to you & I'll be saying prayers for you too :)
   — DonnaCarol

July 9, 2002
   — nikki R.

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