Did anyone else develop DARK undereye circles after WLS?

I started out at 313 lbs. I now weigh about 155 (give or take). I am NOT underweight, and actually am still consider overweight. I am 24 months post op this month. My iron levels are low, even on supplements. I am going for more blood work next week. Everyone tells me I look "haggard" or "old", as under my eyes look like I haven't slept in weeks. I also feel very tired. I asked my doc about B12 shots, and she said they are not necessary. Anyone else experience the "tired, old, haggard look". Could nutrition play a part? If so, what do I need to supplement? Don't have a nutritionist. Not sure what to do - have been using St. Ives Dark Circle Diminisher with no luck!    — Lisa F. (posted on July 5, 2002)

July 5, 2002
You didn't say what kind of iron you're taking, but there are several elements we need post-op, supplementally. The dark circles are good indicators that there's not enough of something to go around.
   — vitalady

July 5, 2002
Did you have RNY??? It is my understanding, from several doctors that we have to have B12 shots the rest of our lifes. The part of the tummy that can absorb B12 from our food has been transected.... Our food no longer passes through that part..... Is this your surgeon, or family doctor who is telling you this? Please double check!!!!
   — Linda M.

July 5, 2002
On the topic of vitamin B-12, there are sublingual tablets you can take once a week instead of having shots. If you think that might be the problem, I think you can get these tablets at GNC, and I've also heard they are sold at Trader Joe's.
   — Jennifer Y.

July 5, 2002
Hi. I noticed the dark circles a few months out, but they went away. Thank goodness. Wal-Mart sells a liquid sublingual B12. You might try that. That and plenty of water. Water is the cure for just about everything if we would just listen to our bodies and others about the praises of drinking that water. I used to hate drinking it but now I can't do w/o out. The first sign of a dull headache, I didn't drink my water....
   — Annie H.

July 5, 2002
You already have your answer, I think! You know that your iron is low. You feel very tired. The dark circles are just another symptom of iron deficiency. When your iron gets back into a good level, you'll see the dark circles fading, and your energy will increase as well. Good luck!
   — mmagruder

July 5, 2002
Hi, I'm the original poster. To answer some of the questions: It was my PCP who said that the B12 isn't necessary. My surgery was not local, and I do not see my surgeon any more. As for the iron, I take carbonyl iron (per the recommendation of Vitalady, whom I admire :) I failed to mention that I had developed a HUGE ulcer (which is now healed), but because of the ulcer I now take Protonix 40 mg each day. The literature said not to take iron with the Protonix. So, for a month I did not take it at all. But with my iron so low, my gastro doc said to start taking it again. I think they (the iron & the Protonix) fight each other, but I'm not sure. I really don't think the gastro doc knew either. I know iron is best absorbed in the a.m. with Vitamin C on an empty stomach. The Protonix is supposed to be taken first thing in the morning also. (Big Problem). I think iron needs acid to be absorbed, right? Protonix reduces the acid in your stomach. I've been waking up and taking the iron with C, waiting about an hour then taking the Protonix with breakfast. (That's what the gastro doc said to do, but again, she didn't seem to really know a lot about it.) Any doctors out there that know the answer to this one?
   — Lisa F.

July 6, 2002
Dark circles under your eyes is a sign of iron deficiency. Please do everything you can to get that under control now before it gets worse. My mother who had WLS 25+ years ago had serious issues with iron absorbtion a couple of years ago. She could not absorb iron pills, or any other treatment the docs gave her. She ended up resortint to iron injections which leave a permanent 'bruise' at the sight of injection. If it gets to this point you will have several of these injection 'bruises'(stained skin). It also will zap every ounce of energy you may have. She was awake only long enough to go to work, sleeping every minute she was not there. I cant tell you how important you iron levels are.
   — RebeccaP

July 6, 2002
To my patients that need both meds, we give the protonix on an empty stomach before the noon meal, and it seems to work for them. Just a thought, especially since it's so important you get your iron up.
   — Kimberley E.

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