I am so emotional, I am not a cryer, but the last week I can cry at a drop of a hat,

Like I was watching the Animal Planet Network this morning and a kitten died, OMG i cried so hard, my chest and stomach started hurting, just got over that and saw a little excerpt of the Rosie O'Donell showm and she was crying, and I started all over again, I know this is normal, but I am not an emotional person, this has thrown me for a loop, Any input on how long people have gone through this?    — Jeri P. (posted on May 15, 2002)

May 15, 2002
Girl I hear you! I'm 11 mos and heard about the hormonal factor due to lost estrogen in the fat cells -- people have likened it to that hormonal period you go thru when pregnant. Not ever being prego I couldn't relate. You're not alone. I had serious mood swings for about a month. They are going away now and usually start up around my cycle ala PMS (something I also never had). I kind of laughed thru the whole thing though. It was always worse in the morning then about 11 am got a lot better. Weird. You can ride it out, or see what your doc says. I went and had all my vite levels checked and that was normal so I rode it out. Good luck and God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

May 15, 2002
I am 3 weeks post-op and EVERYTHING makes me cry these days. You have to realize that the changes that our bodies are going through is setting our hormones into outer space. There are days that I just have to tell my family "I'm having a weepy day today so please be patient" They know that if there is something worth worrying about that I will let them know. Hang in there and keep those tissues handy! LOL
   — pam29922

May 15, 2002
I didn't read what all the other posters had to say but this is my 2 cents know what, I'm the exact same way. Here I was, 10 years ago, NEVER a cryer - was able to control my emotions and certainly never weeped as quickly as I do now. Now? I cry at Hallmark movies, Hallmark commercials, the Folgers commercials when the kid comes home from the army, I cry at cards that my kids send me or when my dad takes the time to write me something in his Parkinson ridden hands...worst of all, I can be in the middle of a nice, stable day and a song will come on that reminds me of my grandson and the love that I have for him is so intense that it just brings water to my eyes and I'm trying to conceal the tears from whereever I am. I've just come to the conclusion that as my heart opened up more, my emotions went with it. The emotional roller coaster of this surgery (before, during and after it) is enough to send anyone for a loop but add that on top of an already emotional person and you may as well call in the water's bad. To compare the two though - how I use to be then with my heart somewhat cold and non-feeling and how it is now, I'd much rather have it like this. My intensity in feelings go across the board and my heart has opened up in ways I never imagined. As I get older, it just grows bigger and the emotions more strong - so for me, the answer to 'how long people have gone through this' - I'd have to say...forever.
   — Lisa J.

May 15, 2002
I'm nearly 5 momths post-op and month 4 has been a doozy! I've never been really touchy-feely, but I've been crying like a baby! I think the emotion of surgery and normal stresses are just making it happen. I began seeing a therapist 2 weeks ago and I haven't cried since. She did let me in on a little piece of advice...that I was used to using food to comfort and make me feel better and now its been taken away. Now all the stresses and anxiety built up with no outlet. So...I'm working on those issues and I recommend if you can - see someone!! Good Luck!
   — Pamela P.

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