Why does food get stuck after surgery?

I understand that the stoma can get too much scar tissue and block the opening to your pouch, but other then that why should food feel like it gets stuck? I am pre-op now and no food gets stuck, so why after surgery should food feel like it gets stuck?    — Cassy H. (posted on May 9, 2002)

May 9, 2002
Hi...pre-op the stoma, or opening from you stomach to the small intestines is normal size, probably about the size of a 50 cent piece. When the surgeon does your gastric bypass, the create a new stoma in your pouch where they reconnect the limb, and it's only the about the size of a dime. This is done so that the food passes slowly through the pouch to give you a full feeling longer. Because of this, you must also make sure that you chew your food very, very well, and you don't swallow bits of food larger than a pencil eraser, or pills bigger than an M&M, or else they will get stuck.
   — lily1968

May 10, 2002
hi denise gave you a good explanation,, after the surgery i felt full after sips of water or o.j. that leaves,, i had a fear of food getting stuck, when my dr told me the stoma is the size of your little finger,, once at 2 months out i ate vegetable soup, i felt i chewed well, but i began dumping,, and all i tried to take in was water,, i called the doctor after 2 days of this, he said to drink some club soda, wait, and if i didn't feel the plug move in 2 hours go to the e.r. and call him back either way,, in a half an hour i felt rumbles in my stomach,, then it moved and in an hour i felt fine,,, since then if i feel uneasy about something i ate, if i don't feel better in hours,, i drink a little club soda, and it cleans you out,, good luck
   — bruce M.

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