I am three weeks post-op and my mom is critically ill...

She will probably make it (this time) but I am having a hard time managing my health thru this. I am just wondering if anyone else lost someone close to them (or dealt with a sick family member/friend) so close out of surgery, and how they coped? Any tips/advice would be appreciated. God bless you all...    — rebeccamayhew (posted on April 23, 2002)

April 23, 2002
Rebecca,<br>My aunt had her surgery April 30, 2001. TWO DAYS after she got out of the hospital her mom (my Grandma) passed away. THEN, exactly 5 months to the day after Grandma, my 15 year old cousin, my aunt's only son, also died. She has gone through more stuff over the last year than any person ever should. But she made it through it, she's done so well with her surgery. She's down something like 125 lbs. I'm sure she would like to tell you about how she got through it all. If you'd like, email me and I'll pass your email address on to her. If you want to read her profile, she's Patricia from North Dakota (Minto). Good luck to you, and I'll pray for your mom.
   — Becky H.

April 23, 2002
About 10 months post op, my elderly father became ill. At one year post op, my mom had a stroke, and my father lost both of his legs. Due to the significant weight loss (down to 325 from 500 pounds), I was able to care for them, do the extensive walking required in the hospitals and nursing homes, help move both of them when I attempted to care for them at home. One of my motivating factors in having the surgery was the realization that I would not be alive to care for them if I didn't lose weight. I did get three incisional hernias from lifting dad to and from his wheelchair (he weighed 250 pre-op and 220 after they removed both his legs.) Both my parents died a week apart last September (I was 16 months post op). I handled the eating, nutritional supplements and exercise just like I do now, one day at a time. Good Luck to you and I wish your Ma a speedy recovery.
   — merri B.

April 23, 2002
I'm 11 months post op and am going through the same thing right this very moment. My mother had a heart attack last week and had a quadruple by-pass and a blockage in her courated (sp) artery. She is still critical. I've just posted something about "can stress make you physically sick?"
   — dolphins94

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