Does anyone know what bacteria they look for in a stool sample that you could test +

I got a call from the Dr.'s office last night and they told me I tested + for some bacteria in my stool that now I have to take 3 medicines, 2 antibiotics. Did anyone have this problem. If so what is it called? She told me but I forget. Can it be a problem? LOL    — kris B. (posted on January 22, 2002)

January 22, 2002
It might be H. Pylori. (sp?) A lot of doctors require tests to be done to see if that is in the body. But I'm no expert and perhaps others will be more specific! Good Luck!
   — Deborah W.

January 22, 2002
Hi. The bacteria is most likely C.difficile. It can be a problem, but only if you don't take your full course of antibiotics. If you're having diarrhea with it, then you've also got to be sure to replace your fluids. Not only can the diarrhea can cause you to become dehydrated, but it depletes your electrolytes, which can cause lots of other problems. Also, be very careful about using the toilet and handwashing. This is easy to spread to other family members. JK, RN
   — Joya K.

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