How fast will I lose?

I'm still post op, but I was wondering.... every time I lost weight on a diet, I lost really fast. Will this weight loss be the same? Or will I be a slow loser now? I know, I know... everyone is different. I just mean in general. Have you losers out there noticed that you lose the same or faster/slower as when you were on a diet?    — Goldilauxx B. (posted on January 9, 2002)

January 9, 2002
much faster. 11 mos. post op down 160lbs and now at goal wt. bmi 25
   — Patricia C.

January 9, 2002
Fast for the first four to six months, then it will probably slow down a bit. When you hit the year mark, it may slow down further. At about 18 months, it may stop altogether. In other words, the farther out from the surgery, the slower the weight loss - that's the general rule.
   — BlueGray

January 9, 2002
MUCH faster... especially the first 12 to 18 months. If you follow the doctors instuctions and exercise you can expect to lose fast. My friend had her surgery in Aug 2001, started out a 3x.. she is now in a 8/10. She has lost 80 pounds. She is not even 6 months post op and is at goal... she could never (nor could I) lose that fast. I am down 50 in 7 weeks. Yes you are right everyone is different!!!!! Take care.....
   — Pamela W.

January 9, 2002
I lost 110# in five months, then over the next seven months lost another 65#. I was never able to do that on any diet! Plus, for the first months, in my case about the first six or seven months, the weight loss was practically effortless. NOT that I didn't have some difficulties, I did, but it seemed like regardless of all else, the weight just kept falling off. I literally had no appetite at all for the first three months, maybe even a little longer.
   — Kathy W.

January 9, 2002
For the first month I lost 30 lbs. quickly, since then it has been 2 lbs. a week. I am 9 weeks post op and thought that I would be losing fast still. I could lose 2 lbs. a week on a regular diet, the difference is how long I could stay on that diet that left me deprived and I would also gain that weight back. I have to feel thankful to lose that 2 lbs. a week. It may be slow going down, but better than going UP. Note too that I am a lightweight and the less you have to lose, the slower it will go, but it will GO!!
   — Cheri M.

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