My WLS is in 4 days and I think I am getting a cold!

My nose is stuffy and I need to get rid of it quick! Any ideas/remedies that will help me! I have waited so long for my date (6 mos) and now its here and I am getting sick!! I am desperate! My PCP never returned my call today! Please help!!    — Stacey W. (posted on November 23, 2001)

November 23, 2001
Double or triple up on Vitamin C!!! I did.
   — Dianne K.

November 23, 2001
I don't have a remedy unfortunately...but I must give you a word of advice. If you do get a full blown cold you really must postpone your surgery. First off, the surgery would be more complicated if you are congested. Then, after surgery, your immune system will be compromised from fighting the cold and could impact your recovery. I developed a cold right AFTER surgery. Let me tell you - I really suffered when I coughed and sneezed. I thought my guts were going to turn inside out. I only mention all of this because my surgeon told me that he had a patient who hid the fact that she had a cold and she had high fevers after surgery and bad coughing afterwards.
   — Julie S.

November 23, 2001
My husband and I swear by a little product called " EMERGEN_C" by a company called ALACER. You can get this at most nutrition stores. It comes in a packet, and in many flavors. It is a fizzy drink powder that you just mix w/ water. We take it whenever we feel something coming on, or when we fly( all those germs!) . We gave it to our five year old right before his minor surgery to help him heal too. Our friends are all converts. It really works. The trick is that it seems to be absorbed better than Vit C tabs. Also..load up on soup and add lots of garlic for your immune system!! Much luck with your surgery-you'll do great!
   — Michelle P.

November 23, 2001
ZYCAM. The name of the product is ZYCAM. You can pick it up at any pharmacy. It is sold over the counter--has been proven to shorten the duration of any cold if taken at the first sign of symptoms. It is a nasal spray containing zinc and other stuff. I have used it for the last two winters and I swear by it. Best wishes to you.
   — artistmama

November 23, 2001
First of all...Please be very careful with what you take this close to your surgery. Second...relax...I had a nasty head cold when I had my surgery done. I couldnt even breathe thru my nose!! They didnt cancel or anything. Good Luck!!
   — skymaxjr

November 23, 2001
I also had a horrific head cold at the time of my surgery, Like Lori I couldnt breath thru my nose. I still had sugery and came thru just fine. <p> Discuss this with your surgeon before you take ANYTHING. You could postpone your surgery by taking something that could not be out of your system in four days. Best wishes to you.
   — Kathy H.

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