Will dieting before surgery shrink the liver, making laparo more successful?

I was told by my doctor that he will intend to perform a laparoscopic RNY bypass, but that sometimes the liver (which sits on top of the stomach somewhat) can get in the way and an open procedure is needed. Never having any type of surgery before I really want laparoscopic surgery. I have read on several (non Dr. official sites) that strict dieting for the 2-3 days prior to surgery can shrink the liver and give better odds for laparoscopic surgery success. Has anyone else heard this? Does anyone have suggestion or advice from their doctors on what I can do before hand to help ensure that the laparoscopic will be successful and that open will not need to be the alternative?    — mdjacobs (posted on October 25, 2002)

October 25, 2002
my DR also said that the liver is larger and bothersome and that losin weight b4 hand WILL make it much easier to operate..he requires u lose around 10 pounds b4 the surgery and it will help.. :)
   — christine S.

October 25, 2002
My doctor asks for a 1000 calorie a day diet starting one week before the surgery. It will reduce the fat layer on the liver.
   — Linda A.

October 25, 2002
My doctor told me to go on the ATKINS diet at least one week before surgery.
   — Kelly* P.

October 25, 2002
3-4 days is not enough time to "shrink your liver". You need to follow a very strict diet for a coulpe of weeks to make any difference. But be careful with that, you do not want ot mess your electrolytes up. I would talk to your doctor about what is best.
   — Vicki L.

October 25, 2002
ALOT of surgeons make there patients lose weight prior to surgery. 10%-15% of the pre-op weight. My surgeon did not, THANK GOODNESS !!! I might still be sitting here heavier than I was 5 months ago. I have heard about the diet 1 week prior, I don't know if 2 or 3 days would help. I have even seen surgeons place patients on liquid diets 2 - 3 weeks prior to surgery. So if yours is only asking for 2-3 days - good for you.
   — Sharon H.

October 25, 2002
My doctor told me that losing weight beforehand was ridiculous...and that if I could lose weight just because some doctor told me to, I wouldn't need the surgery in the first place. ALL Lap doctors tell you that your surgery might have to be converted to open -- but it depends, primarily, on the amount of internal scarring you have from previous surgeries. If your doctor has examined your abdomen and believes he can do it lap, he probably (99%) will be able to. Now, of course, if your liver is so encased by fat that they can't get to it with the lap tools, they may have to convert to open. But if thats the case, then losing 10-15 pounds isn't going to make a difference. If your doctor is a doctor who specializes in Lap surgery, you shouldn't have a problem. (I.e., my surgeon is the head of lap surgery at the hospital...he brings a bariatric surgeon in with him in case he has to convert to open. He hasn't had to yet, and he's been doing RNYs for 10 years.) Nonetheless.....he told me there was a chance it would have to be converted to open. They just want you to be prepared for the slim possibility. Lap RNY 10/21/02.
   — Tamara K.

October 26, 2002
My doctor told me that even losing 10 pounds would help to shrink the liver a little. I had the lap procedure and I don't think I lost anything before surgery. I did start walking before surgery and tried to watch what I was eating, but didn't do anything real strict. lap rny 3 months -76 pounds
   — tulagirl

October 26, 2002
My doctor took me of all sugar the week before my surgery. He said that by eliminating sugar my liver would shrink making the lap surgery easier. I don't know if it worked or not but I do know that he was able to do the laproscopic surgery with no problems.
   — Etta M.

October 26, 2002
Michael, My Doctor had me do the same thing for 5 days prior to surgery. Having the procedure done laparoscopically, the doctor will need as much room to maneuver as possible. Removing fatty foods and those high in carbs helps to shrink the liver. I was able to eat lots of protien, and veggies, as well as fruits. I drank a lot of Diet Coke, and Crystal Light. Diet Jello, and diet Snapple, as well as meat broth. I found that salsa was great on my grilled chicken salad. This diet also made me lose a good amount of weight before my surgery, which was nice. I was concerned that these would be the last days that I would be able to eat real food! I really thought that I'd want to cheat every single day, but I knew that if my liver wasn't small enough that I would wake up with an 8 inch incision! That was enough incentive to stick to the diet. Just remember that the more weight you gain before surgery, the more you will have to lose post op! I am 6 weeks post op. I can now say that this has been a good choice. I needed to have the food choice taken away from me. Now, I eat like I'm supposed to. If I feel like "cheating" I know it could really hurt. So the choice is now made for me. That's what I needed. My past weight loss experiences always ended in failure because if the scales didn't move quickly enough, then I was "Never going to lose weight!" and I'd end up blowing it. The second week out I had a zero loss, and that's when I would have thrown in the towel, but I couldn't. That's the best thing about this surgery. I am eating a lot of normal things with out complications. You'd be surprised how much is really out there that you can have. I'm not doing the sugar thing, but there are some great sugar free things available. Best of luck to you! Christine Herwig
   — wiggie34

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