Stress of waiting for approval / denial

I am about to EXPLODE with anticipation. My insurance company has 15 working days to say yes or no.. they got the letter on the 28th... so the wait begins... Was anyone else this antsey or am I just an instant gradification girl?    — audra H. (posted on November 30, 2000)

November 30, 2000
I am in the same boat & totally obsessed with this! I am losing sleep & trying my best not to get cranky! I have to keep my faith that it will all work out. I actually was able to get my insurance company to give me the DIRECT fax number to the person who handles predeterminations & should be able to at least verify receipt of that by tomorrow afternoon. Then I can settle down a little - I hope!
   — Lisa B.

November 30, 2000
Audra, Believe me I know how you feel. I almost exploded waiting for insurance approval. Now I can hardly stand myself waiting for the surgery. One week to go 12/7/00. I cannot think of enough things to make the time pass. I cannot equate this wait to anything else, can you? I have never waited for my lifelong dream before. I guess we all need to learn to be patient. Good luck to you.
   — Marty R.

November 30, 2000
I TOO AM WAITING...Luckily, after nearly a 3 week wait, my local dr. office got on the ball....and at least the insurance knows about me now ...The surgeon's office had said there were new stipulations for the ins. co. to agree to this surgery and that discouraged me for a while....but, I am anxious once again and glad at least to know the ins. company DOES HAVE a reference no. for me....I never did like the 'squeaking wheel', but have learned, it does work/help sometimes. GOOD LUCK!! I'm scheduled for Jan. 2nd.....
   — kathryn G.

November 30, 2000
Believe me, you're not alone!!! I had my surgery in mid-August and the waiting before seemed obsessive. I could hardly think of anything else. I drove people crazy. But you know what? Its important for you to research and get it in your head what is going to happen and learn to be positive. After its over you'll still visit this site alot but not with the same intensity that you are now. Things calm down alot. Just do your research and be positive and things will happen for you. They did for me and I couldn't possibly be happier. I really couldn't.
   — Bryytteyes

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