59lbs in 50 days...

OK, up date on my surgery (open RNY) I just weighed today 1/27/00. I have lost another 10lbs. that makes 59lbs. from date of surgery on 12/8/99. 59lbs. in 50 days..(not bad huh)..I feel great, I'm off all blood pressure medication (I was taking two pills a day) I'm no longer border line diabetic, I no longer have sleep apnea or snore.. (hubby happy about that) I can eat most any protein meats, cheeses, and eggs (just a lot smaller portion) I stay away from all breads even toast it seems to stuff me and takes my protein space..I'm under 300lbs that's the first time in 15 years This was the best decision I could have ever made for myself.. I got my Lab results back and blood count etc. all were normal range.. I can now see a light at the end of the tunnel.. ;-) (for great low and no fat & sugar free recipes)    — Victoria B. (posted on January 27, 2000)

January 27, 2000
Hi Vicki: That is fantastic weight loss!!!!CONGRATULATIONS!! Please give yourself all the credit for taking such good care of you! Congratulations again.
   — Dot W.

January 27, 2000
Vicki... fantastic weight loss!!! Sure am glad to hear that you are well on your way to a very healthy new life. Thank you for all the ideas and recipes that you have provided for us and I for one would want a copy if you ever have a cookbook published...if you haven't done so yet. Take care of your self and see you in chat. Terry Lawrence
   — TERRY L.

January 27, 2000
Vicki, Thanks for your encouragement. I am 1 week postop and am doing well. It is so good to see others farther along eating and enjoying regular food all the while losing those pounds. Thanks too, for the wonderful recipes! Keep them coming!!!
   — M B.

January 27, 2000
Vicki, what great news! You are doing remarkedly well. I have a quesion for you. In your answer to a previous posting, you say you were weak, but you made yourself get out of the rocking chair and walk and now you enjoy it. Did you have trouble with back pain while walking before surgery? Right now, I can only walk a few feet and that's it - my back begins to hurt so baaaad! Did yours hurt before and now with the loss of those dreadful 59 pounds, now it doesn't? Or did your back NOT hurt prior to surgery, so walking was never a real effort for you? I know I'll need to walk for the exercise - but just thinking about it right now, makes me hurt. Thanks and keep up the good work!
   — Sandy C.

January 27, 2000
Vicki, what great news! You are doing remarkedly well. I have a quesion for you. In your answer to a previous posting, you say you were weak, but you made yourself get out of the rocking chair and walk and now you enjoy it. Did you have trouble with back pain while walking before surgery? Right now, I can only walk a few feet and that's it - my back begins to hurt so baaaad! Did yours hurt before and now with the loss of those dreadful 59 pounds, now it doesn't? Or did your back NOT hurt prior to surgery, so walking was never a real effort for you? I know I'll need to walk for the exercise - but just thinking about it right now, makes me hurt. Thanks and keep up the good work!
   — Sandy C.

January 27, 2000
Hi Vicki: This is all such wonderful news! Doesn't it feel great to be on the other side? I'm so happy that this has worked well for you. Jaye Carl, open proximal RNY 7-29-99, starting weight 300, currently 210 on another looooong plateau.
   — Jaye C.

January 28, 2000
I had reoccurring sciatica down both legs with hip my previous high weight of 367lbs I was miserable I had to literally use the bed posts to pull me upright enough to walk to the bathroom, and every step was excruciating pain as well as embarrassing because most times my bladder could not wait until I struggles to get to the bathroom..However, I'm not sure if it was the combination weight loss and the epidural I recieved in hospital, which prevented me from ever going into the vicious pain/spasm cycle, but so far so good I have not had any serious bouts with it. Well, one short one that lasted 3 days when this cold front caused 12 inched of snow but I can tell you it was NOTHING like before, and I still made myself walk.. So maybe the most benefit was the loss of weight.. You might try chair exercises.. like a stationary pedal you can do from sitting at least that will get some motion in your legs and lower extremities.. Talk to your doctor or a physical therapist.. Good Luck and I really care that you're hurting wish I could do more..
   — Victoria B.

January 28, 2000
This is fantastic news. Many congrats to you and much luck for the rest of the journey. Good luck and God bless
   — Jen L.

January 31, 2000
Hi Vicki: You are doing GREAT!! Keep it up girl. I just wanted to let you know that it does get better and better. Are your old clothes starting to fall off yet? Just wait- I am so excited for you. Take care and remember it only gets better and better! God Bless!! Jan Terry(Dimples)
   — Jan T.

February 1, 2000
Great job!!!!! I had surgey Oct 26th and just barely lost 50pounds .But sounds like you are doing Great keep it up. I was born and raised i Oklahoma what part are you in? Where did you have surgery?
   — Debbie G.

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